Manufacturing the Future - Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:05:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Manufacturing the Future - 32 32 Advanced Metal Additive Means Support-Free Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:05:00 +0000 Support free metal additive part production is difficult, but new technology makes it possible.

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This episode of Manufacturing the Future is brought to you by EOS.

There are many ways to build parts with additive manufacturing technology, but regardless of the additive technology or build strategy, the basic rules of physics are the ultimate constraint, as in other forms of part making. Mechanical, thermal and sometimes chemical properties of materials are critical to consider in part design and build programming in additive manufacturing, and especially so when building with metals. 

Heat is a factor in any part making process using metals, but additive manufacturing adds new levels of complexity, as a layered build process. With complex, delicate, or high aspect ratio parts, supporting the structure is a major consideration for dimensionally stable parts. Some new technologies are now available to circumvent some of the classic constraints of part support and dimensional shift due to heat. 

Joining Jim Anderton to discuss these new technologies is Davy Orye, Team Manager, Additive Minds Consulting at EOS.

Learn more about how metal 3d printing using minimal to no supports can lead to optimized builds, reducing costs and timeframes.

Episode Transcript:

To see any graphics, images, and/or videos to which the transcript may be referring, please watch the above video. The transcript has been edited for clarity.

Jim Anderton: Welcome to Manufacturing the Future. There are many ways to build parts with additive manufacturing technology, but regardless of the additive technology or build strategy, the basic rules of physics are the ultimate constraint, as in other forms of part making. Mechanical, thermal and sometimes chemical properties of materials are critical to consider in part design and build programming in additive manufacturing, and especially so when building with metals. Now, heat is a factor in any part making process, but additive manufacturing adds new levels of complexity as a layered build process. 

With complex, delicate or high aspect ratio parts, supporting the structure is a major consideration for dimensionally stable parts. There are new technologies now available to circumvent some of the classic constraints of part support and dimensional shift due to heat. Joining me to discuss this complex issue is Davy Orye, Team Manager Additive Minds Consulting with EOS. Davy has a decade of experience in the additive manufacturing industry and holds master’s degrees in both mechanical engineering and management from KU Leuven in Belgium. Davy, welcome to the program.

Davy Orye: Thank you for having me here.

Jim Anderton: Davy, there’s so much to talk about this issue and you have a unique layer of expertise, multi-dimensional expertise, in this subject going back to your research days, I understand. But could we define the basic parameters of this problem at this point? What are the difficulties that the part designer have to think about when they think about supporting a structure for an additive build?

Davy Orye: Indeed, it’s a very complex topic. And even before, let’s say, the manufacturing engineer starts, even in the design you already have to think about how am I going to orientate the part? As a result of that, where do I need to have support? And so that brings a lot of complexity to already even before you’re printing apart. And then when it comes to support structures, there’s also a lot of reasons why you have supports. So the first main reason is you’re very locally heating up in DMLS and powder bed fusion. You’re very locally heating up your part, your powder, with a laser and that heat has to go away. Typically, if you’re printing in the middle and the bulk of your part that goes through your part, through the base plate and so on, it’s dissipated really well. But on overhangs where there’s only small connections to the rest of your part, you typically add support structures.

Second reason for support is also typically you work with some kind of recoding system, and that recoding system can put a little bit of force on your part and then sometimes the supports are just simply there to make sure that that force doesn’t result into a small deformation of your part or bumping of your part. And then lastly, because of what I mentioned before, this local energy input that creates actually quite big terminal gradients into your part, which then in turn results into terminal deformations. And supports can help you either deal with those gradients and lower those gradients or to prevent the deformation which can happen.

Jim Anderton:
That’s an interesting and complex process with something you mentioned here, which occurred to me, which I’m sure many part designers don’t consider, which is that the support of the part is more than just holding the part in the correct orientation during the build. You’re saying that there’s a heat flux, there’s a heat flow that goes through the supports that changes the local heating environment. When you’re thinking of as the part distorts during the build or perhaps after the build as it cools, how much does the designer have to consider heat flow through supports or lack of supports?

Davy Orye: That’s the problem. It’s a very complicated topic, this whole heat flux, that even, let’s say, the most up-to-date simulation software these days, they cannot even comprehend it or it takes literally days and months to simulate, basically, a complex geometry. So there’s only so much as a design engineer and a process engineer you can really understand, and there’s only so a human brain can understand. And so therefore, typically, you boil it down to certain design rules, saying, okay, overhangs of 40 degrees in the past typically needed support or certain sizes of parts. So the bigger the size of the part, the more stresses you have in the effort, the more deformations. And so then all of these complex thermodynamics basically are being boiled down into a combination of design rules and then the expertise and experience of application engineers.

Jim Anderton:
In other part making technologies, for example, a weldment, fabricating an assembly, or perhaps even in some molding, die casting or injection molding applications to talk about plastic materials, there are strategies you can use to control this deformation. Strategies in the cooling for example or strategies in how long the part is held in the mold or fixtured during the cooling process. In the case of additive, it’s sort of a dynamic like a continuum. You have a layer of heat which kind of works its way through the part from beginning to the end. And so does this mean that the designer has to think differently about the way the part cools as well as how it’s built?

Davy Orye: Indeed. When you’re designing, of course, for example, if you think about complex structure, maybe a topology optimized structure, you don’t to think about, let’s say, the end product. But you have to think about all the intermediate stages when you’re building that part, layer by layer. And so things which in the end product are very stiff and wouldn’t deform even due to all the thermal stresses or since things are not connected during the build process, you have to take that into account as well when you are determining your orientation in your supporting strategy. So yes, it’s quite complicated from that point of view, and that’s why still, it’s a difficult technology to adapt or adopt where a lot of expertise is then being transferred also through my team, for example, to our customers in order to really help them understand the possibilities, limitations of the technology.

Jim Anderton: Traditionally, if you’re perhaps a mechanical engineer and you’re working with a different metallic material, things like the thermal properties of the material, modulus, these are sort of handbook solutions. So we know that if we’re going to make a part out of mild steel versus Inconel, for example, we can simply consult the database and know how the material properties will change. Is the same process true in additive manufacturing? Is it a matter of I can make something basically out of an aluminum alloy and just translate those parameters directly to, say, a super alloy, or do I have to change the way I designed the part?

Davy Orye: We can probably just about that question talk for hours, but to give you an idea of, let’s say, the differences. So if you think, for example, aluminum. Aluminum has a very high heat conductivity. So the energy, even though you put it in there, very locally, very quickly dissipates throughout the rest of your part. So thermal stresses also because of the lower melting temperature, thermal stresses are actually relatively lower in aluminums, at least, let’s say, the traditional 3D printed aluminums. If we go to high strength aluminum, that’s another topic again. But for example, aluminum solution 10 magnesium, their stresses are definitely not your problem. It’s more about heat management.

If we go then to Inconel, for example. There we very quickly get into overheating. We very quickly get into having burned away material and changing even the chemistry of it. And there we really have to manage the heat a lot better. On the complete other side of things here, for example, titanium, where you can put a lot of energy in there and titanium will behave okay. But the stresses and the willingness to deform are really high because you have exactly the opposite behavior of aluminum where you have a higher melting point and a very low heat connectivity. So that energy stays very locally and therefore we have huge, huge amount of stresses in titanium. So if you have a titanium part, especially when they’re large, you have to deal with those stresses. And as a designer, you have to know, okay, this will be very difficult for big parts from a stress point of view, where an aluminum, that’s absolutely not a problem. And then an Inconel, for example, I have to think about making sure that my overhangs are not burning away and having a good support strategy there.

Jim Anderton: Are residual stresses a factor with advanced part making with this technology? Is a post-processing, a heat treat, something that you see with metal additive?

Davy Orye: Yeah, almost always. And typically, dependent on the material, but typically it’s either just a stress release or combination of stress relief and then a further vent heat treatment to get the micro structure you really want. Because typically out of AM compared to other technologies, for example, casting with very fine micro structure, which comes with a lot of benefits because you have that combination of high strength and relatively high ductility. But you can change with a heat treatment where exactly you are on the trade-off between strength and ductility.

Jim Anderton: Additive is an interesting process. I think an example might be, say, an aluminum where if you’re used to casting an aluminum part, typically, especially die casting it, you could expect to see, of course, those elongated columnar grain structure near the surface next to the cool surface and more equiaxed grain structure in the middle, if you section these things. But in additive, in this case, you don’t have that differential between the core and the outside shell of the part down there. How does that change the way you think about the metallurgy of the part?

Davy Orye: To set expectations, I’m not a super expert on that side. However, I think one challenge, what we do have is, especially when we think also about coppers and so on, is that… And if you think about multi laser systems, so every four or even more lasers all working together on a part, you start to see some kind of gradient. You do start to see some kind of gradients in your part, because what happens at the very start of your build in DMLS, the powder, the chamber, everything is relatively cold and you have a certain process going in there.

But typically, at least, state of the art today is that process kind of remains relatively constant throughout the build. But everything is slowly starting to heat up, especially if you want to be high productive, which obviously we as EOS want to be. And then you start to see certain gradients also in your micro structure because of the heating up of that whole building platform. But it’s of course where some of our recent innovations come into play to manage that and keep also the micro structure and therefore mechanical properties and so on much more constant throughout the build.

Jim Anderton: Tell me about that management process because we know that the build process itself is software controlled, and the design process of course is designing the part and designing a strategy for controlling the laser, but it’s what can the design engineer, the manufacturing engineer, do about managing the heat or just managing the process on that higher level that you’re talking about? Is there something built into the equipment or built into the design software they can use?

Davy Orye: I’ll talk about first what we have today and what our customers are today successfully using, and then I’ll also talk about the very near future. So today what we have is basically a couple of things. For example, first of all, if vectors and scan pads are becoming very, very short. You have very thin mold applications, basically. These things tend to overheat because you don’t have a lot of material to suck away that heat. The laser is moving back and forth really quickly. And so there we have something called a minimum vector time, where basically you wait for a very short amount of time, we’re talking here about microseconds, in order to let things cool down a little bit. If you say, “Hey, we don’t want to wait,” then we have also something called a power reduction factor where based on the length of that vector, we can reduce the power and therefore manage the energy.

The second thing, what I was mentioning is if you go throughout the build and having a heating up, to control that, what we typically do today is, for example, set a minimum layer time. Because especially when layers are very quickly built on top of each other with four lasers, the layers will follow up on each other very quickly and things start to overheat. And you can say, even though the layer takes 10, 20 seconds to build, maybe wait every layer a few additional seconds to let things cool down. However, that’s the current stage today, but we don’t like that. We don’t like to wait because waiting is non-productive time and we want to make sure our customers can use the machine the fullest, and it doesn’t make sense if we have four lasers but we have to wait half of the time, then we could just as well have two lasers. And that’s where one of our newest innovations comes in, which is called smart fusion.

And smart fusion basically works based on our OT monitoring, like monitoring equipment. OT stands for optimal tomography, and it’s basically an easy word to say a thermal camera looking at your whole build plate and at your process. And it captures, basically, the energy of your process. And so it can see which regions of your part, your build, start to overheat. So it knows what the correct heat input should be. It knows basically what the correct color of your melt pool should be. And when things start to overheat, it will recognize that, and then the next layer will adapt your process accordingly. So in other words, if it sees overheating, it will slightly reduce the energy input to compensate for that. And it will, in that same compensate layer, will again look at it and will see if it compensated well and then continue that iteration of cycles in the next layer, which basically allows you to do a much better heat management than waiting, because here we’re not losing any time and we have, again, that high productive process which we all love.

Jim Anderton: Davy, is there a trade-off between optimal thermal management and build speed? Everyone of course wants to program to build the part in the shortest time possible.

Davy Orye: So for us, whenever we are developing solutions but it’s now for terminal management or for avoiding supports, which we started talking about before. For us, all of these solutions should start with, let’s say, the best possible business case and therefore also the most highly productive process. And so the cool thing about our technology is that even though we work based on real data, which is captured while we’re building, all of the calculations which need to happen actually happen during the recoding. So in other words, we don’t lose any time for these calculations, and our compensation basically is adjusting our laser power and therefore we also don’t slow down the process or put specific waiting times in there. So whatever you program as this is the speed I want to build at, the smart fusion software will basically build it at speed and manage the energy input through variations of laser power.

Jim Anderton: We’ve studiously avoided talking about applications, but there’s no way we can talk about an interesting part making technology without discussing applications. Everyone wants to make jet engine hot section blades with this technology. It’s sort of the marquee application, and you can do things that are more interesting than, say, investment casting in that application. But we at are seeing a lot of excitement about two areas in particular. One is nuclear, small modular reactors, which are some of the hottest energy technology and very topical now in Europe and in the rest of world, of course, with political considerations.

And the other is electric vertical takeoff and landing. The idea of passenger carrying drone technology, multiple rotors, pilot autonomously. Both those have unique requirements. The EVTOL need electric motors that are very light, but of course will require some advanced technologies of cobalt alloys, very interesting things. And of course nuclear, naturally, of course that’s a high radiation environment. That has its own challenges at that point. Do you see this type of metal additive, tightly controlled metal additive technology you’re talking about being something which is going to be embraced quickly by those two sectors?

Davy Orye: Traditionally, we had the aerospace of course, and space is also definitely still a big market for us, a big booming market at the moment, especially in the US. And the medical where I have been doing a lot of things, you can also see that in my background. There’s some hip stands. But I do see indeed, in nuclear particularly… So I’m not involved in everything, of course, at EOS, but in nuclear particularly, I see that there’s a lot of interest. There’s a lot of interesting projects here at EOS as well. We’re also developing some new materials specifically for that industry. For example, around Zirconium, I understood that there is a lot of applications there. Also, Tungsten is one of the strengths of EOS, and there’s also quite a bit of applications there. So definitely we see that.

And then also, which I think to some extent is on line with what you were saying is in the e-mobility, as we call it here at EOS. We do see a lot of applications. For example, we’re quite front runners in printing copper, although at Formnext I learned that our competition is also starting to catch up there. But we see a lot of copper applications in e-mobility for heat management, also for then the electrical motors and so on. These are definitely growing strategic markets for us.

Jim Anderton: Davy, final question. Looking forward to the future, we hear a lot about generative design, the application of AI to the engineering process, digital twin, model-based systems engineering. When we integrate metal additive manufacturing into that world, into that paradigm, are we going to look at an automated future, do you think, where a designer designs a part basically and the machine says, “This part must be made additively, and I’ve taken care of it. It’s programmed. Parameters are in place. Go.” And you press the green button and walk away. Is that the future?

Davy Orye: I hope it is. There’s, of course, still some steps to be done there. Let’s say, as EOS, we’re setting ourselves up for that future. So as EOS, we understand, let’s say, additive manufacturing is one of the technologies out of many and you have the best applications if you can combine many manufacturing technologies together where it makes sense. And from a pure software point of view, we make sure that our software can talk to other software, is fully integrable, that you can make your digital twin, that all our sensor data and so on is standardized. So also from a software point of view, really setting ourselves up to be perfectly fit into the factories of the future. Because we understand that that’s where things are going and that additive manufacturing plays a very important role in that flexibility or to enable that flexibility. So I’m very excited to see where that all ends up.

Jim Anderton: An exciting future. Davy Orye, EOS, thanks for joining me on the program.

Davy Orye: Thanks for having me once again.

* * * 

Learn more about how metal 3d printing using minimal to no supports can lead to optimized builds, reducing costs and timeframes.

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Off Highway Equipment Shifts to Electromobility Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:32:00 +0000 Advanced technology is transforming the off-highway market.

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Transportation has been the focus of environmental regulation since the 1960s, and the automotive industry has responded with a family of technologies that has made internal combustion engines several orders of magnitude cleaner that the vehicles of half a century ago. 

Cars and trucks however, are only part of the power story. The off-highway industry has faced the same evolving need for clean, sustainable machines that operate with higher levels of productivity at low cost. It’s a seemingly conflicting requirement: more with less. 

But there are multiple advanced technologies in use and under development in the off-highway sector that are delivering clean power with high productivity and safety. Joining’s Jim Anderton to discuss these advanced technologies are Poclain Hydraulics’ Matt Christensen, Vice President of Sales and Application Engineering at Poclain Hydrolics, and Sara Feuling, Senior Director, Construction from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM).

Attend IFPE 2023 March 14-18, 2023 in Las Vegas. Use promo code DIG20 to save 20% off registration.

This episode of Manufacturing the Future is brought to you by AEM.

Episode Transcript:

To see any graphics, images, and/or videos to which the transcript may be referring, please watch the above video. The transcript has been edited for clarity.

Jim Anderton: Hello everyone. And welcome to Manufacturing the Future.Transportation has been the focus of environmental regulation since the 1960s, and the automotive industry has responded with a family of technologies that’s made internal combustion engines several orders of magnitude cleaner than the vehicles of half a century ago. Cars and trucks, however, only part of the power story. The off-highway industry has faced the same evolving need for clean, sustainable machines that operate with higher levels of productivity at lower cost.

Now, it’s a seemingly conflicting requirement. Do more with less. But there are multiple advanced technologies in use and under development in the off-highway sector that are delivering clean power with high productivity and safety. Joining me to discuss the evolving landscape are Poclain Hydraulics’, Matt Christensen, and Sara Feuling from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

Matt is an engineer and a 24-year veteran of the fluid power industry with engineering roles with Concentric, Komax, Danfoss, and now Poclain Hydraulics. He holds a bachelor of science degree from Iowa State and an MBA from Northern Illinois University.

Sara Feuling has been the senior director of construction with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the AEM, since 2018, and is the go-to industry resource for AEM within the construction equipment sector. Prior to joining the AEM, Sara spent nearly 10 years with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation in heavy highway construction and project management. Sara holds a bachelor’s degree in civil structural engineering and a master’s degree in civil engineering, both from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Wisconsin. Matt and Sara, welcome to the show.


Matt, before we kick off this, could you tell us a little bit about Poclain Hydraulics, please?

Matt Christensen: Poclain is a family-owned company that’s based in France, and we have eight plants worldwide, 2,400 employees, and the company started in 1926, and we make a full range of radio piston, low speed high torque motors, closed loop axial piston pumps, power transmission valves, traction valves, electronics, and software.

Jim Anderton: Great. And Sara, could you tell us a little bit about the AEM?

Sara Feuling: Sure. The Association of Equipment Manufacturers is the North American Trade Association for off-highway equipment manufacturers. We really represent those that are making the equipment in the agriculture, construction, mining, utility, and forestry industries.

Jim Anderton: Sara, staying with you it, of course, here at, we’re interested in the engineering aspects of everything, and this is an industry sector which is loaded with technology, but there are larger social issues at play here too. I mean, transportation, as I mentioned in the introduction, has been the focus of environmental regulations since the ’60s. You think of that California Air Resources Board sort of kicking it off in the automotive industry and all the effects that happen there. But there are some out there that think that the off-highway industry also users of engines, mode of power, isn’t really thinking or isn’t focused on a clean environment. That’s not the case, is it?

Sara Feuling: No, it absolutely isn’t. Back since the early ’90s, like you mentioned, those diesel internal engines, both on and off highway, have been subject to those tiered emission requirements that’s regulating your nitrogen oxides, your hydrocarbons, your particulate matter, all of your emissions. The off-highway industry is very conscious of the environmental impact and continues to focus their efforts on designing to comply with those regulations both at the state and the federal level. In fact, AEM, on behalf of our membership, has actually engaged with CARB in response to their proposed recent tier five rule making on behalf of that entire off-highway industry representing all of that broad manufacturing scope.

Jim Anderton: Yeah, and Matt, you see it from inside the industry. How do you see it?

Matt Christensen:  Well, I mean, in my design engineering career, we spent an awful lot of time on redesigns of existing platforms simply to accommodate the tier emissions requirements. So that meant touching the chassis, fuel systems, cooling systems, transmissions, filtration, drive trains. I mean, the bottom line here is that we’ve been not only working on this for the last three decades, but we continue to look for ways to mitigate the environmental impacts.

Jim Anderton: And we’re talking about this subject from an engineering perspective, which gives us, I think, a sense of clarity that sometimes the mass media can’t explore. Pollutants are one thing, and the industry’s done an incredible job, basically of coping with really brutal environmental regulation. I mean, some of the requirements for diesel engines would seem to be impossible, and yet somehow the engine manufacturers managed to make it work.

But for greenhouse gases, the secret to greenhouse gases appears to be, from a technical standpoint, burning less fuel. Now, interesting in the off-highway industry, you think about starting with Ag in the 1930s, I mean there were published tractor tests which explored fuel efficiency as a fundamental feature of advanced design even way back, even before World War II. So it seems like the off-highway industry has been conscious of the fact that you’ve got to minimize fuel burn and with the knock on effect of minimizing emissions forever.

I mean, Sara, inputs such as fuel consumption, in the construction market, you’re a civil engineer at this point. Fuel is expensive. Has it always been important? Is it more important now? What’s the state?

Sara Feuling: I would definitely say it’s always been important. Like you mentioned, Jim, these regulations have been in place for decades, but now we have this technology. We have an incredible amount of data coming from these machines that our contractors, project owners, they’re beginning to use that data, including that fuel burn like you mentioned, that allows them to more accurately scope and bid projects, but then also really measure the impact of their work. That regulation really does drive that transformation and construction and where we’re definitely seeing that in the construction market.


Jim Anderton: Yeah. It’s been primarily a diesel-powered industry for a long time, but interesting. Diesel fuel prices, they skyrocketed. It’s at a point now. We’ve seen the transportation industry, in fact, we just recently covered how diesel engines are disappearing in the light truck market because the economic rationale for using diesel fuel is rapidly going away. Is this a short term blip, do you think, Sara? Diesel fuel prices, is that going to move the needle in the OTR industry?

Sara Feuling: As far as prices, that I do not have insider information. But I definitely think coupling that with this regulation is what’s going to drive the industry forward. So we actually, AEM published a white paper called The Future of Building that’s going to highlight 10 key trends that could dramatically change the way construction is done over the next 10 years. And three of those 10 trends focus on that environmentally-driven transformation. So not only the increased regulation of those carbon-based fuels that’s going to spur that adoption of alternative power solutions. We’re already seeing compact equipment trending electric, and our construction industry really will help lead that transition to clean energy, embracing the use of all of those alternative power solutions. And a lot of that you’re going to be able to see what our manufacturers, including, Poclain, are doing to minimize that impact at CONEXPO-CON/AGG and IFPE 2023 in March (2023).

Jim Anderton: Matt, electrification is on everyone’s lips, everyone’s talking about it in the transportation industry. Everything is about going electric to get off fossil fuels. From an engineering perspective, I look at it and say, wow. I mean, diesel engines, internal combustion engine in general, that is a very compact way to generate a lot of very useful practical power. Let’s talk about electrification a little bit. Where do we stand in the electrification of off-highway equipment, do you feel?

Matt Christensen: Well, there’s definitely lots of technologies that have emerged in development, and what you stated is exactly right. The power density of the traditional fossil fuels and a combustion engine is hard to match when you have the same space claim or the same amount of space for an electric solution. So we’re in a situation where there’s a spectrum or a transition that has to occur. We’re going to have to use some of our fossil fuels in the best way possible, the most efficient way possible, while we develop some of these other technologies as we move from traditional hydraulic architectures to electro hydraulic vehicles and even fully electric platforms.

The key is that, again, it comes back to power density and energy storage. The vehicles are different, the duty cycles are different, and the amount of power that’s required is different. And so when we look at fundamentally designing new vehicles to incorporate this new technology, in some cases it’s going to be as simple as replacing an engine and energy storage with some electric motors and an energy storage solution, but at most it could entail a complete rethinking or redesign of the chassis to accommodate this very different architecture and energy storage.

Jim Anderton: Yeah, and it’s interesting you mentioned it. We’ve seen, for example, hydraulic motors used for some low speed motor power applications, and it intuitively, from an engineering perspective, it looks like heck of an attractive way to do it. Hub motors certainly could solve a lot of problems because it’s easier to route hydraulic lines, for example, than differential and axles. But nonetheless, there’s most of the larger equipment we see still operates basically with a direct mechanical drive to mode of power in a separate hydraulic power unit to drive the rest of the machine’s functions.

If we’re talking about going electric, is that going to disappear? Are we going to see a point where in which we decentralize propulsion as well as mode of power with electric motors throughout the machine?

Matt Christensen: You’re already starting to see a little bit of that. Even if you look at some very large hydraulic or hybrid wheel loaders, many of those have moved to electric motors on the wheels to decentralize that power transmission. We’re certainly seeing it in smaller vehicle platforms as well. But fundamentally, again, this is a spectrum. We’re talking about many different types of vehicles, sizes, classes, power consumption. And so the solution, and this is why engineering and engineers is so important, we’re going to have to problem solve around what is the best solution for a very small compact construction equipment or the very large mining equipment. It’s not going to be the same solution and there’s no one silver bullet.

But yes, I think there are places for traditional hydraulics to exist for quite some time, whether it’s to push those hydraulic motors out to the corners of the chassis to improve ground clearance, improve maneuverability or reliability, offering also some benefits like four-wheel drive, traction control, and even braking hydraulically or electrically, which as we know, that reduces a lot of the wear and tear on the friction type braking systems that have been very common.

So again, I think hydraulics is going to have a place. It’s going to have a place because of the power density, its reliability, compact installation and the benefits that come with it, like trash and control and hydraulic braking.

Jim Anderton: When we talk about individuals in engineering working toward electrification in other industries, one factor they always bring up is noise. Sara, in large Public Works projects, infrastructure projects, there is, I sense an increasing sensitivity toward construction noise, especially in urban or suburban areas during projects. Will that be a driving force, do you think? Is noise an environmental consideration that’s more important now than it used to be?

Sara Feuling: Absolutely. Along with all of these regulations for emissions, there’s that noise pollution. So we’re seeing in the States, there are some states that are including noise pollution in their proposals. We’re also seeing that across the globe. The EU, for example, has considerations for both engine emissions and noise emissions in their most recent regulatory proposals. So they do very much go hand in hand when you’re able to drive these solutions that are going to check both of those boxes for you, both clean energy, but then that inherently has less noise to it as well.

Jim Anderton: Matt, you’re a hydraulics expert and there’s no way we’re going to let you go without digging into the weeds a little bit about hydraulics. And historically, traditional hydraulic systems, as I learned them decades ago, at this point, it’s a fairly closed loop system. We’re going to circulate oil with a pump, a fixed displacement pump, going to run it through an oil cooler, circulate it back to a tank essentially, and then tap off that pressure. Maybe there’s an accumulator in there perhaps, and we’re going to tap off that pressure and then apply it through spool valves to actuators, typically rams, but they may not be.

And of course it’s intuitively, as soon as you see things like oil coolers, automatically you’re thinking, wow, okay, that’s energy going to ambient someplace. Then we saw new generations of things like high efficiency pumps, variable displacement types, new ways of thinking about the accumulator, new types of fluids themselves that operated better at higher temperature. Have we squeezed all the efficiency that we can out of conventional hydraulics before we even talk about the electrics?

Matt Christensen: I mean it’s a very good point. So we’re talking again about a spectrum of solutions here. You could argue that nothing has really fundamentally changed a lot about some of our fluid power product designs. The pumps and motors and so forth generally remained roughly the same with some slight tweaks over the last several decades. So I think efficiencies are still small amounts to be gained in the design of the hydrostatics or the hydraulics, but really where a lot of the development, a lot of the state of the art activity is happening is really with energy control.

It’s using things like electronic displacement control, better control with valves and even linear actuators or cylinders have for many years had some sensors onto incorporate better control. And so I think, again, it’s going to be less about… We’re already fairly efficient in terms of handling the fluid at the moment. Really it’s about how do we using electronics, using better control with these types of methods, how do we better direct? How do we better control that energy? And so even now, there’s a lot of designs out there that are variable displacement pumps on a variable speed, well controlled motor. And many would ask why have both sides of that equation be variable? And it’s because our gains now are going to be in that infinite control that we can gain throughout a duty cycle.

Jim Anderton: Well that’s interesting applications. It sounds like what we’re talking about here is that classic VFD, frequency control of a motor. So are we potentially looking at, is it DC to AC to motor control? That’s a lot. It sounds quite complex in there. Is it just like SCR control of a DC motor? It’s so fascinating.

Matt Christensen: Well, it is complex and it’s very interesting and it also depends on who you’re talking to. A lot of the compact vehicles are going to use more of a low voltage DC to AC type setup, usually three phase. In some cases, it might be a simpler setup. A lot of the larger vehicles are using what we call high voltage. And so those are going to be voltages in hundreds of volts, and the control and even the safety of designing that type of vehicle looks much different than the smaller vehicles themselves.

Jim Anderton: Yeah. So it’s interesting that electricity, DC electricity, it’s often taught at early stages with hydraulics as an analogy. You think of tanks, accumulators are batteries, and circuits are similar in the way they’re laid out. If we go to increasing electrification, we have to talk about batteries. It’s going to come up, at this point. In the transportation industry, there’s a real problem because they’re heavy. They’re not only expensive, but they’re heavy at this point. Is weight still the disadvantage in this industry as it is? There are some circumstances where you’re adding weight to some of this equipment.

Matt Christensen: Well, if you consider battery chemistry and battery technology for example, and you consider a 48-volt forklift battery that’s been used for the last several decades and then you look at the lithium ion type battery chemistry that’s used in a lot of our on-road vehicles, cars and so forth, the lithium ion are much, much lighter. Weight in general hasn’t always been the biggest consideration for construction vehicles because they’re just heavy in design to begin with because of their frames and so many of the other components.
I think what’s important is when we talk about batteries, it’s not so much talking about batteries and battery chemistry as much as it’s talking about energy storage. I think, my personal opinion is that batteries are a stepping stone on the way to a technology that is going to be probably more useful, more sustainable and easier to produce, and maybe gives us better power density than the battery chemistry and technology that we have now.

And so again, that’s why I think the spectrum is important to, let’s use fossil fuels in the best way and most efficient way possible while we develop these better technologies. And certainly along the way, we’re going to use these hybrid technologies, these battery technologies, to get us down the road to the best environmental, best efficient solution and best use of our energy resources as we get to whatever some of that final, I won’t even say final solution, but those future solutions are because once we get to fuel cells or whatever it might be, I hope that engineers continue to design even better ways of utilizing and storing energy.


Jim Anderton: Yeah Matt, if there’s one term, descriptive term, which is heard more often than EV or electric, it’s hybrid. Everything’s hybrid these days. I mean, it’s passenger cars, it’s light trucks, my golf clubs are hybrid now. I understand that you’re going to be showing an articulated loader as a demonstration vehicle at CONEXPO IFPE that is a hybrid solution. Can you tell me a bit about that?

Matt Christensen: So hybrid is one of those words that can mean a lot of things. So you can have a hybrid internal combustion engine driven vehicle that is coupled with electric motors and hydraulics. You could have a hybrid system that is electrically driven, but then you have hydraulics. Hybrid just simply means that it’s not purely a traditional internal combustion engine, hydraulic solution, and it’s not a purely, completely electric situation. And so for example, one of the things that we’re doing is, again, a stepping stone in this iterative approach to helping our manufacturers and customers design the next level of vehicles is some demonstration vehicles.

So we have a compact articulated wheel loader that will be at CONEXPO IFPE in March, and it will demonstrate what it means to take an existing customer platform, use technology like 3D scanning to scan the chassis and figure out how do we fit an electrical architecture into a chassis that was designed around an engine, a fuel tank, and other things. How do we put an electric or electrical architecture where a traditional engine and fuel tank once resided. And then this particular vehicle will be able to be demonstrated or seen where you can pop the hood, you can look underneath and see the battery, see the inverters, see the electric motors and how we did it.

The benefits of this design or this type of design is that a vehicle manufacturer can produce a traditional chassis and an electric hybrid or electric hydraulic vehicle side by side or even right down the same assembly line because so much of the architecture is the same or the chassis design is the same, but it also gives us a second benefit And it eliminates a lot of the challenges with designing and completely changing your chassis as you move through a platform redesign. So again, simplifies the design process, but also allows the manufacturer to retain the ability to produce both a traditional and an electro hydraulic version.

Jim Anderton: Matt, do you size your systems the same way, electro hydraulics? I know duty cycle is everything, and I mean your ability basically to sort of rate your motors, your system capacity for a specific duty cycle, maybe used an accumulator, maybe store up some energy where you need it for peak loads. Do you think the same way when you’re, you’re going electro hydraulic or do you simply look at that big battery and say, man, I’ve got power on demand and if I need breakout force, I’ve got it.

Matt Christensen: We always look at duty cycle because we’re looking at not only fuel consumption or energy consumption in the terms of energy storage in a battery, we also look at it for things like product lifecycle or product durability, and is the product going to live with this particular machine duty cycle? The key thing about the machine duty cycle and sizing is that vehicles are all different. So their energy consumption is different. How the vehicle used is different. How long will that vehicle be used throughout the course of a shift or a day? And when it comes to, say, traditional engine driven vehicle, if the person runs out of fuel they simply grab the fuel can or they go over to the fuel truck fill up and they’re back in business. When it comes to an electric or electromobility type solution, we have to think about things like charging infrastructure, charging time.

So that’s why that becomes so much more critical. We want be able to finish a given day or a given shift on as few battery charges or at least one battery charge if possible. And that’s why energy storage and these kinds of things and sizing becomes so critical. Additionally, you cannot use the same mobile solution for a wide range of vehicles because of the size and because of the difference in usage and energy consumption.

Jim Anderton: Yeah Matt, I’m glad you brought up the charging issue, because Sara, on an industry wide basis, as it stands right now, it’s a very simple thing to order up a tank truck of dye diesel, run around a major construction site and simply top off all the tanks off shift and then when the next shift comes on, you hit the button and you go. Electric vehicles, it takes them a while to charge with current technology and you can’t pull a tank truck full of electrons up to a backhoe and simply pour them in at this point. Is onsite charging and how we charge these vehicles, is the industry going to need to develop an infrastructure? Will there be like a new type of service business, do you think, that evolves out of this to service large projects?

Sara Feuling: Yeah, I absolutely think the industry’s going to have to adopt. We’re going to have to somehow change to support this potential electric vehicle charging. If you’re charging that backhoe with a diesel generator, are you really minimizing your impact? So that’s kind of where we are though, is we don’t have that infrastructure. It’s very different than on highway. Like Matt was saying, this off highway equipment, it’s different. There’s one machine can be used to do so many things in so many environments and that really, really changes that battery life then.
So absolutely, people are looking at different alternatives, different options. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that was passed last year includes provisions for some of that charging infrastructure. And we as ADM on behalf of the manufacturers and the industry are engaging with lawmakers as those funding opportunities are announced, and this legislation really comes to life that’s really going to support where we can go with this technology. There’s only so much we can do if, like Matt said, you can’t charge it at the end of a day and use it again the next day. So, we’re really keeping an eye on that. Contractors are getting creative and we’ll see where it goes.
Jim Anderton: Sara, one of the high value things that national industry associations can deliver is they can act as the voice of an industry in the regulatory environment. We’ve seen that in many industries at this point in the automotive sector, electric vehicles, there is no industry standard for electric charging. If you own a Tesla, you charge at supercharger stations. If you own a different brand, you might charge at a CCS or any one of the private networks. And many feel that in the transportation industry to make it really work we’re going to need some kind of universal charging standard like we have with gasoline where every pump fits every nozzle and it’s no problem at all. Is that going to be necessary, do you think, in the off highway market? And if so, at that point is it going to take associations working with governments to standardize this thing?
Sara Feuling: I think it’s definitely not required, but it will really, really aid in adoption. If you can’t plug it in, it’s not going to do anything. I mean, think about even an iPhone compared to an Android, they charge differently. Different Android brands used to charge differently and that has now been all, it’s USB-C I think, everything that’s out now. So I definitely think that’s going to be part of the process and it will likely start outside of the regulatory space and it will be an industry coming together saying, this is what our customers need, the trade association, we do not exist without our customers and we are there to help meet their needs and their wants. So within the standards development organizations, there’s a lot of that where we come together as manufacturers to say, let’s do this together, let’s take off that company hat and company A, B and C are working on different solutions, but can we find a way that they can interact together?

You’re exactly right Jim, that’s where associations can come in and help from not only the manufacturing side, but also the end user side as well. So we’re building those relationships, we’re keeping that engagement, and hopefully as we see this come to life over the next, who knows, 10, 15, 20 years that we can find that common solution.

Matt Christensen: The other trick is just plugging it in with a standard is important, but think about what a construction site looks for the first several weeks or a farm field. Where do you go to plug in? It’s really about the infrastructure and having that power available and certainly plugging in is a consideration. But we’re fundamentally talking about, but we’re fundamentally talking about vehicles that work on sites that have not yet been developed.
Jim Anderton: Yeah, it is. It’s unusual working environment. You think of it’s about as far away from all the support structures as you could possibly be, and it’s intended to be that way. But Matt, you brought up an interesting point about that infrastructure, which is ironically the one infrastructure which is almost universal now, is cloud connectivity. We’re at a point now where Elon Musk can sell you a dish and you can be almost anywhere on earth and you have internet access.
And at the same time we’re looking at equipment which is more highly instrumented, more sensor equip now than was even imaginable a decade ago. You can track 10 or 20 parameters in a relatively simple device, an actuator with a series of sensors dump a huge amount of information into the cloud, have it processed either remotely or on the machine, and the machine manufacturer could do interesting things with it.
So can the end user at the same time, is where are we at our ability to actually process and use that information. Now you come from a side of it, which is heavily involved in this, and I always wonder how do you prevent from being just deluge with data and how do you wheat from the chaff?
Matt Christensen: Well, that is really the key and many manufacturers are working on how do we deliver value from all of this data that’s out there. And there are some easy wins for things like preventative maintenance, getting an alarm on your machine to the cloud when a filter is clogged and then that can in turn send an order right to the filter supplier to have one ordered and in place and then it arrives and can be replaced. But that’d be more like a real time example.
But a lot of what we’re doing, we talked about system sizing and duty cycling. And so historically as a manufacturer of products for equipment, we would get duty cycle information offer say, “One test vehicle that the customer was running.” Now we’ve got the ability in the scaling to be able to put data collection boxes like the one that the plane utilizes that we could put that on many machines.

We can put those on end customer machines. We can collect data real time from vehicles that are being used in the actual application. And so it’s not somebody trying to emulate the way the vehicle is used. It’s actually data recorded from a construction site or an agricultural site, and we can then collect that data and use it to really look at that duty cycle for system sizing and things like that if we are moving towards some different system architecture.

The key, as you mentioned though, is how do you sort the useful data from the non-useful data? And I think that’s the big challenges determining what do you collect and what do you leave to the side? And that’s one of the real challenges, is what data do we collect and how do we use it?
Jim Anderton: Sara, we tend to think of the industry as a nuts and bolts, mechanical engineering driven. This is about force and pressure, it’s about a horsepower and torque, but we’re talking about a world which is more about code and more about data analysis, is we know there are labor shortages already and many critical industries of technically qualified people at this point is the technician. Is the support structure of the future really going to be about coding? Are we going to have people in polo shirts 3000 miles away diagnosing and repairing equipment? Do you feel?
Sara Feuling: We absolutely could. I’m going to say from our end, that would be really cool to see where from an industry perspective, we have this technology, we have this data, we have a workforce coming in that knows how to use it, inherently knows how to use it. And I would love to see that. I think that’d be really cool. You can do that from operation, you can do that from maintenance. You can pull all of that data in the cloud, like Matt was mentioning, there’s people out there that have this skill set that we need to be tapping into.
Jim Anderton: There’s so much to talk about, so little time to talk about the thing. We could do this right now. I hope we get a chance to do more of this going forward. But just to wrap the other elephant in the room as the third elephant in the room. Automation? Everyone’s talking about self-driving cars, self-driving Class 8 Line-Haul trucks. We know that the majors have prototyped and have tested off highway equipment that operates with no operator. I’m not even a remote operator, but actually just autonomous. Matt, the autonomous future of this equipment five years from now, 10 years from now, when will we see it?
Matt Christensen: Yes, so I think we’re already seeing it. You can find many, many cases of self-driving tractors and harvesters and planters out there. And I would almost argue that in some cases as far as commercialization, that the Ag industry is ahead of maybe the automotive industry. With the caveat that you have to understand that the people that are developing the autonomous tractors and farm implements are not having to deal with as many pedestrians or unpredictable traffic patterns or people on bicycles and things like that.
And so the task and workload is slightly different, but there’s already lots of examples of farming industry-type equipment that is autonomous and it’s not just being tested, it’s being utilized now commercially.
Jim Anderton: Sara, the industry perspective?
Sara Feuling: Yeah, I think absolutely we are well on our way. We have a lot of automated features. Like Matt was saying, “Agriculture really is very far ahead of construction specifically, but we’re also seeing a lot of that in mining.” Again, that controlled, closed, less uncertainty around the environment, but we’re automating features which is going to lead us to automation and again, building on that technology that’s available.
We’re working with the highway industry to lessons learned, right? And to bring this together so we’re not doing this all on our own. We’re going to learn from those that have done it and done it successfully and we’ll get there together eventually.

Jim Anderton: An amazing high-tech future. Sara Fueling, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, Matt Christensen, Poclain Hydraulics. Thanks for joining me on this episode of Manufacturing the Future. 


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Off-Highway Equipment, High Technology Mon, 22 Aug 2022 14:30:00 +0000 Automated systems and advanced technologies enable smarter and more productive off-highway equipment.

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Artificial intelligence and autonomous operation are the most widely anticipated technologies in the on-road transportation sector, and with self-driving cars carrying paying passengers in several cities around the world, the promise is finally becoming reality.  

The prime movers in the global economy however are the machines that build infrastructure and drive agriculture, and in the off-highway space, similar advanced technologies are revolutionizing the way earth is moved and crops are grown.

However, the challenge is much more considerable in the off-highway space. Tunneling, excavating, grading, tilling, and seeding are using GPS and laser guided systems to achieve unprecedented levels of accuracy and precision. What will the future look like for the off-highway equipment industry? How will advancements in hydraulic systems help achieve this future?

Jim Anderton discusses the future of off-highway equipment with Sara Feuling, Senior Director, Construction at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and Ben Holter, Director of Automation Systems for Husco.

Episode Transcript:

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Jim Anderton: Hello everyone. And welcome to Manufacturing the Future. The transportation industry is undergoing a revolution driven by technology, such as battery electric drive, autonomous driving, and enabling technologies such as AI in the internet of things. But not everything that moves operates on roads. Agriculture and construction are cornerstones of the economy and that sector has enjoyed the same kind of technological revolution that’s change in the automotive and aviation industries. In many cases, the demands are actually higher productivity, efficiency, safety, they’re all important, and now environmental factors are entering the picture. Now, how is industry responding to this technological challenge? Joining me are Sara Feuling, Senior Director Construction at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers and Ben Holter, Director of Automation Systems for Husco. Sara holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Ben holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering, and a master’s science degree from Northwestern University in predictive analytics. Sara and Ben, welcome to the show and I’m going to dive straight in because there’s so much to talk about.

Autonomous vehicles, self-driving, everyone’s talking about it. It’s the hottest technology in the automotive industry today, and multiple companies are working on it. The trucking industry they’re addressing labor shortages by adding sort of higher levels of technology, try and take the person out self-driving it’s been talked about with various levels of success. There’s just a ton of tech that is suddenly being adopted from what used to be sort of the software realm and we’re jamming into things that traditionally were thought of as mechanical systems down there. What about OTR equipment? Will that self-driving loader greater backhoe, is that going to change everything? Are you going to get rid of the operator? Basically is someone from a beach and Cancun going to be going to be digging that trench? How about it, Sara? I’ll start with you.

Sara Feuling: Those are all great points, Jim. We’re seeing a lot in the on-road space and development and technology, and like you said, how all these pieces come together. We’ve seen a little bit of it already in mining, right? Where those more controlled operations are happening and that autonomy space is a little more fluid. But from an off-road perspective, we’re absolutely bridging that gap now between what is typically heavy equipment, right? And technology. Part of it is just where we’ve come as an industry, right? But it’s also part of that labor shortage is also a piece of it where we are able to use this technology to take what was a good operator and turn that person into a great operator.

There are automated features, machine control, grade control, all of those things that are really helping our operators in the field do more and do it better. They’re eliminating rework and reducing the need for additional grade checks. And that’s all of those advancements that we’ve seen in GPS, GNSS technology all kind of coming together. And we’ll see where that takes us in the future. We definitely have a bright future ahead of us as we work through these things.

Jim Anderton: Sara, you’re an expert in civil engineering and there’s something I think that non-civil engineers have pondered. I certainly have, which is what defines accuracy and precision in your world compared to a world, for example, of machine tools or even 3D printing? I think there’s sometimes a sense out there that, well, I work to tolerances of thousands of an inch and you’re digging a tunnel. So, close enough is good enough. Just how tough is it to do those tasks?

Sara Feuling: We’ll use something as simple as a grading operation, right? Tolerance is typically less than a 10th of a foot. So, that’s an inch and a quarter, which sounds pretty big when you’re relating it to something that’s talking millimeters, right? But that inch and a quarter really adds up. And again, we rely on our strong experienced operators to get to that level of accuracy. But now when we combine that with the GPS and GNSS technology in grade control, we’re able to bring that down to hundreds of feet. So, we’re talking quarter inches and that in itself really kind of drives those efficiencies. You talked about that productivity as well as it all ends up to a dollar at the end of the day, right? So, if we’re going to take that inch and a half inch, inch and a quarter over a 12 foot lane, every mile, we’re almost at 240 cubic yards of material. So, now you’re going to make that up in your pavement, you’re looking at $35,000.

Not to the additional placement time, as well as the additional staff and work that requires. So, that accuracy that you talked about really adds up when you’re able to use something like a grade control that’s going to get you within those several hundredths of a foot versus a 10th of a foot. And now you’re talking dozens of yards versus hundreds of yards.

Jim Anderton: 
Sara, do you still measure efficiency the same way that you used to in this industry? I mean, there’s a used to be a sense of, I know what my operating cost per hour are, basically I’ve got a sense of how long it’s going to take basically to sort of grade for that interstate. And I get a sense that time and cost overruns were fairly common, they still are. Is it tighter today?

Sara Feuling:
 I think definitely a lot of our contractors are getting smart. They’re using the technology to their advantage, right? And they’re finding those nuances, those productivity gains, those efficiency gains using some of the other tools, the software tools that are out there and available in the industry to really balance out and hammer out what those bid prices are, what that time is going to take, what that cost is going to take and in their operations are finding ways to get it done better and faster, which adds up to a dollar amount at the end of the day.

Jim Anderton:
 Ben, Sara talked about the idea of this advanced technology actually making a better operator or sort of a, of a super operator, if you will using sort of these devices. But equipment operators, they have specific tasks to perform in maneuvering vehicles and they have to operate multiple controls, all of us who’ve tried the incredibly complex technique of say operating even a backhoe are concerned. But good operators have an intuitive feel for things like rock and soil conditions, traction and gradient, breakout force, weight, they can sort of feel these things intuitively. Will future automation systems control these multiple factors in the way that human operators do? Do you have to put sensor systems in and then intelligent systems that operate the same way that a really good operator does when he just has an intuitive sense of what the critical lean angle is of the machine or what the breakout force is? Is it easy? Is it hard?

Ben Holter: 
Great question. Talking about the operator, an operator, a person is an amazing machine. It’s really difficult to understand what’s all going in our brain and how it operates. So, trying to put all of that into a control system is even more difficult. Automotive is running the same problems. How does machine vision work? How do you tell if it’s a person or if it’s a rock? If you can hit it, if you can dig it, or if it’s dangerous? All of those things happen in the operator’s brain instantly. And we know if it’s right or wrong. It’s really difficult to program and really difficult to understand. So, even breaking down just how to get back to that grade that Sara talked about; she talked about a 10th of a foot accuracy, that 10th of a foot at the bucket tip. If we talk about a 20-ton style excavator, that’s on the side of the road, that 10th of a foot accuracy at the bucket tip equates back down to a one millimeter accuracy on the cylinder position.

That one millimeter accuracy is talking about the hydraulic compliance, the cylinder compliance, the hose compliance, even the structure compliance. If any of those stretch more than one millimeter or compressed more than one millimeter, now you’re off by that one 10th of a foot. So, we think about how does a person do that? That’s amazing. A person can control something that’s that compliant to one millimeter. It’s all about muscle memory. It’s all about time in the seat and understanding how that works. We have amazing machine learning algorithms in our head that are constantly working that we don’t even think about. And so, bringing that back down to how does a control system make that work? One millimeter on a cylinder, we’re talking one milliamp on a control system to control a hydraulic control valve. That one milliamp is less than the parasitic of your phone charger sitting on the side of your bed right now. 

So we think about these numbers and it just continues to drop orders of magnitude more and more tight, harder, and harder to achieve, but an operator’s doing that every day. And so the difficulty we have as hydraulic manufacturers, as OEMs, as construction companies is how do we make something that maybe takes 10 or 20 or 30 years for an operator to get good at? How do we make that good day one? Because nobody’s going to go buy an automated machine that it works like a two year old’s driving it. Everybody wants to buy and operated an automated machine that operates as good as their 40 year experienced veteran today, day one. Because they’ve got the labor shortage, they want remote operation, they want all of these things that we have today with experienced operators. They want it a control system.

And so with the convergence of technology, GPS getting better, sensors getting better, more rugged for our industry. Dust, light vibration so much harsher in the construction industry that convergence of technology making it possible is now putting the onus on us hydraulic manufacturers and other controls manufacturers to make this possible. We are now able to do it and we now just have to prove that it’s possible. And so really diving down into all the control systems, all the transfer functions of how each system needs to work and how tightly controlled each system needs to be is really the beginning of us making this work.

And we’re starting to see in these really complex machines like excavators, starting to see this become more and more of a thing. We talk about automation, not autonomy, because the first step towards autonomy is automation. We need to automate some bits, whether it’s grade or whether it’s e- fencing. You talked about how we make the operators better. How can we do that? Well, make it so that if they’re tired or not thinking that they can’t swing into a road or they can’t dig into a pipe.

And so if we have that information in the site plan, and we can program that into the machine, now we can make that happen. We can stop the operation of the excavator digging a pipe and having to move away everybody because there’s a gas leak. But that all starts with electro hydraulics. A lot of machines don’t even have electro hydraulics and you can’t even plug in a control system to make that happen. And so we’re incrementally taking steps forward in our industry to make all of this possible. And it’s really an exciting time in our industry because all of this is becoming very possible and starting to show in the end market.

Jim Anderton: 
Ben you mentioned really the brilliance of the human body and how amazing it is that we have those proprioceptors and that incredible feedback system that lets us operate with that remarkable precision and touchdown. If you are going to duplicate that or enhance that with the systems you’re developing at this point, what is your feedback system? What are you doing on the sensor side there? Is this radar, LIDAR, is this force sensing? Is this something you can detect, for example, back at the hydraulic cylinder? Or is this something that you need to do perhaps at the bucket or the end effector end? How do you even start this process?

Ben Holter:
 It’s where do you start? Really, where you have to start is understanding that the operator today could look and see that grade has met, where it was supposed to meet. The GPS may tell it, or a surveyor may put a stake in the ground and tell the operator where the bucket tip is versus where it’s supposed to be. So the first thing we need is sensors and those sensors have made huge strides and improvement in ruggedness and in accuracy. So now we’re able to access satellites, access IMUs, inertial measurement systems on these machines to every 10 milliseconds or even faster in some cases, know where that bucket tip is and know where it is with relation to where it’s supposed to be. So the first place we have to start is that. And tho that technology is finally becoming mature enough where it is rugged and we can rely it day after day, 24 hours a day, and start using those systems. To get where we’re understanding things like loads, or soil conditions, or even obstacles such as people walking around.

We’re still looking for advancements in sensors and reliability. Let’s say there’s 10 functions on a machine, if we add 20 sensors, one for each extended retract of a cylinder right at left of a motor. Now we’ve got 20 extra potential failure modes that could take down a system. Those extra potential failure modes could take down a machine, which could be on a path that’s really important and could stop production of something for who knows how long, depending on how long it takes to get that machine back up and running or replace that sensor. So the more sensors we add, the more concern the operator’s going to be for uptime.

And so we’re always weighing what’s the need of the sensor versus, the value of the sensor, versus what happens if the sensor goes wrong. So from a performance and accuracy of productivity and efficiency standpoint, then on top of that, a functional safety standpoint, we’re always trying to weigh how many sensors do we add? Versus what does it give us? Versus what could go wrong in that state? And it’s different for every customer, it’s different for every system. And we’re still trying to figure out what’s the best solution. And it’s going to continue to change as technology continues to advance the robustness, the acceptance of sensors, and the ability and the cost of sensors to put all of those on.

Jim Anderton:
 There used to be, it’s anecdotally, or given a thought that junior operators, less experienced operators, are hard on equipment. And we know you could shock load hydraulic systems and create all sorts of problems back in the day when you were basically using, say fixed displacement, fixed pressure pumps, and basically with a blow off valve, and you’re using accumulator to try and damp some of those, those shock loads. And a lot of things can happen, unexpected things can happen. And so in some ways you could define a great operator is one of those not only efficient, but also was easy on the machinery. We’re looking at a world now where we may be bringing a lot more inexperienced people into the industry because of labor shortages at this point and getting them up to speed faster. Is this control technology, this kind of sensor technology, does that work into that factor too? Can that paper over some of the inexperience of an operator maybe even help them get better? Do you think?

Ben Holter: 
Yeah, it’s a really exciting question because we’re at a point right now where as electro hydraulics, as control systems on these large construction machines become more accepted, there are today in the automotive industry. We’re able to add more sensors and add more controls to, like you said, help out this younger operators. But what that also does, which is really exciting from the hydraulic valve manufacturing design standpoint, is now we can start simplifying our hydraulic systems. The last six decades, we’ve continued to improve performance, improve efficiency, and improve controllability and safety by adding widgets because we didn’t have a software control system that we could modify or change controls. It was a physical system. And so the only way to make it better is to add complexity, add extra widgets, to do the things that our customers are looking for.

Now that we can put software into this mix, we can start making our hydraulics simpler hydraulics, which means less failure points. But then we can give the same operation, the same functionality, productivity, efficiency that we’re getting without all of those extra bits, all of those extra failure points. And then furthermore, we can modify how the valve feels depending on the operator. So we can put in a inexperienced operator mode that’s maybe softer, more filtered, maybe lowered speeds. However, the end user or however, the owner.

However, the end user, however, the owner of the machine wants the operator act because in the end, if the operator’s ruining the machine for the owner, they have to pay for it. And so we’re able to do things depending on operator, depending on region, depending on what the machine’s doing with the touch of a button, which has never been possibly before, which is what’s making this so exciting for us in and beyond just automation.

Jim Anderton:
 Sara, in civil engineering, particularly big projects, we’re seeing a revolution in the way some of these projects are designed and built. Now we’re looking at things like undersea tunnels, very, very deep construction, skyscrapers, tall construction that involve foundation work in areas that were previously be considered completely unsuitable. In fact, new materials, new hybrid materials, concretes, not far from where I’m, we’re talking about this, a new office towers going up, and it’s about 12 stories it’s made of wood of laminated wood, which is something which I never thought I would see in my life at all. Are new generations of machines going to be necessary in lockstep with this new pool of labor coming in to even build some of these projects. I mean, back in the day, if you bought a [Caterpillar] D9, it was expensive and you kept it on the job for 30 years you wore it out and you replaced it when you had to do, you have to now go through a different equipment cycle now based on its capability, rather than its life expectancy.

Sara Feuling:
 I don’t know that it’s necessarily a different life cycle, but there are those advancements to those machines. Let’s take that D nine that you mentioned, right? You could have bought it 30 years ago, but all of our OEMs and our, and our technology providers and our hydraulic manufacturers are now making a lot of aftermarket retrofits, right? That you can bring your machine along with this advance in technology and these new operations, like you mentioned, there’s different alternative materials, different construction methods, kind of changing how things are done, but it’s not necessarily going to change your machine unless you need it to or want it to. So that’s, again, the beauty of what of all our OEMs and our component suppliers are doing is they’re giving end users and these contractors, the ability to build the machine that they need to best do their job. Whatever it is, right?

There’s a lot of options out there. These technologies, and a lot of these control points that Ben was referencing, that all plays into what those OEMs are putting out for their big machine. And then the contractor, the end user can absolutely customize that. So obviously stuff that’s coming off new, off the line has these things integrated, right? There’s a lot of integral technology, which is great and wonderful to see, especially when we know this younger generation coming into the industry, they’re used to computers, they’re used to touch screens. They know what widget means, right? If you go back to some of them are experienced operators, those that have been in the industry for a while, when you’re you’re now instead of a couple controls, you’ve got touch screen. This younger generation is going to be able to just naturally get in line with that. Where I actually went up to the local here in Wisconsin, the operators union training center, and got to operate machine control grade control system. And you’re still on the controls and the levers, but I got to sit in the seat and touch what was like an iPad and determine which mode I wanted it on, right? To make it easier for me, a very, very inexperienced operator to figure out how to use this technology, to do what it was that they wanted that wanted us to accomplish that day.

So I definitely do think there’s, there’s great opportunity for equipment, both new and existing to really align with where the future of construction is going.

Jim Anderton: 
So you mentioned specialty equipment. And that’s a trend which we have noticed here at was in the past, if you were doing pipeline work for example, you used a basic track laying tractor chassis, and then you might have added a boom, for example, something simple as that. You might have added a grappler in place of a shovel, relatively simple sort of aftermarket sort of add-ons. Now we’re seeing a whole generation of equipment now, which is incredibly specialized. Most recent. What I saw was actually a pavement milling machinery. Unusual stuff that does very, very special jobs, highly specialized in clearly not based as a modification of a simple existing chassis. Although clearly the underpinnings may come from a deer or a cat, or one of the OEMs at this point. Is that the future? Are we going to see a world in which there are smaller OEMs that are making very specialized equipment for a very small market just to get that last bit of productivity?

Sara Feuling: 
Yeah, absolutely. I think what we’ve seen a lot of actually is a lot of it is contractor driven. Where there are contractors who are very, very specialized and they rep they do on repetitive type of a specialized work and they have taken it on themselves to retrofit some sort of equipment or build their own attachment that does what two or three different attachments did previously. We are highlighting a lot of that. And you’ll see, in CONEXPO CON/AGG 2023, we’ve got a lot of those features highlighted from an OEM perspective that you see these, these new solutions, right? They sound very simple. It’s a common everyday problem, but it helps bring down the work, right, and the load and really specialized solutions to account for all those things.

Along with that, what Ben was mentioning and all those different sensors and all this hydraulic and where that’s all moving, that’s all going to be at IFPE as well. So within the industry itself, we are really highlighting some of those things, trying to draw attention to not only the industry, but to those smaller manufacturers, right? That, that really have a game changer, really have some stuff that’s going to change the future of the industry and give them an opportunity to share that on a wider scale.

Ben Holter: 
And following up with Sara there, she talked about auxiliary and attachments. I think agriculture has done a great job. You have one power plant, you’ve got the tractor buy a ton of attachments and do what you need. We’re starting to see that in our industry a lot more, especially at the supply side where ox, auxiliary attachments, auxiliary sections used to be just an add-on that you just needed to do a certain flow rate. Now, auxiliaries are becoming some of the most deluxe systems that we’re selling the deluxe sections, because they have to have pressure control, flow control, a damping on them, zero back pressure for hammers. And, and we’re putting a lot of the deluxe nest in those to handle all of the different auxiliary requirements that are being driven by end users that have this new attachment or this new attachment that never thought about before to get more, use more productivity, more uptime of a machine that’s on a site rather than bringing in specialized machines for pipeline.

Now, like you said, you add an attachment to make it a bite layer. And that’s really exciting too, because then you talk about software and what you can do with software. Now you talk about different pressures, different flow rates, rather than somebody having to go out and change a relief valve setting, or worry about blowing up their attachment, because it wasn’t rated for that pressure. We can do that at, at, at a touch of a button to the hydraulic valve to change that setting and say, oh, I’ve now got a hammer or a grapple or a brush cutter. And we can set that all automatically to again, update productivity and also make it easier for new operators. So they don’t have to worry about remembering to change relief valve setting before they blow up that brush cutter. So again, more opportunities for us to meet the market needs with hydraulic improvements that we’ve been waiting for to come.

Jim Anderton: 
Sara and Ben, do young engineering grads, students, perhaps the public at large. Are they aware of how much technology is in this industry? I think there’s a conception out there that a bulldozer’s a bulldozer it’s been the same for half a century. I mean, we’re, you’re talking about cutting edge technology here is there a perception that it’s there? Sara? How about you?

Sara Feuling: I definitely think it’s not as out there as we would like it to be. Where I think you’re exactly right, Jim, you look at a piece of machinery and you’re like, “Ah, it’s heavy machinery. It’s dirty, it’s basic, it’s rudimentary,” right? And it is so not. So we are, I think, as an industry, trying to help change that narrative, change that perception, tell that story. To say, “Look at all this technology and all these different things that are within our industries.” 

For example, if we’re talking about all this software that goes into running these machines, somebody going to college right now, thinking they want to be a software engineer, isn’t considering a career in construction, but they could be, and they should be. None of these things are possible without all of that technology and those typically non-construction or manufacturing roles. We are really broadening and widening that net of what is our future workforce pipeline. So as an association, as AEM, that is part of our workforce initiative, to help tell those stories, to tell some of these fun, exciting things that we’re doing in this industry with technology to help draw the next generation and to change that perception.

Jim Anderton:
 Ben, your education could have led you to Silicon Valley.

Ben Holter: 

Jim Anderton: 
And how much fun are you having in this industry? This industry’s clearly a place where high tech lives.

Ben Holter:
 It’s so exciting. We just finished deploying and getting customer approval on a 10-function valve. And so you think about 10 functions, I’ve got one power plant that’s controlling the power to 10 functions. And you think about the control system and how you control that. You’ve got 10 degrees of freedom off one power plant, all at different pressures, all at different forces that an operator expects to work harmoniously. And you don’t think about how hard that is, because it’s worked in the past hydromechanically, but when you put it into software and try and, again, make the hydromechanics a little bit more simple, it’s a really complex situation.

It’s more than just a gas pedal and a steering wheel, not to detriment anything that the other industries are doing, but it’s an amazing problem. It’s really exciting and really hard. It’s all non-linear, it’s all Bernoulli’s Equations 10 times. And you think, well, hydraulics are going away, but then you think that that bucket cylinder, that’s 20 feet out on a big excavator, that needs a hundred kilowatts to work. Imagine putting a hundred kilowatt electric motor diesel engine at the bucket cylinder to make that a distributed electronic system. You need a motor to get that power out and the power density of hydraulics are just so good and the robustness of hydraulics that it’s going to be around for a while.
And so we’re solving really exciting, hard problems in an industry that’s being disrupted in an exciting way for us to solve global socioeconomic and geopolitical problems along the way. So it couldn’t be more exciting and yeah, love what AM’s doing to help make this initiative, to get people into this industry because hydraulics aren’t the dirty, messy hydraulics you thought about 20 years ago. If you take a tour of our manufacturing plant, if you see us at FP, it’s very clean, it’s automated. Our valves are being manufactured in automated way, similar to what automotive is doing and what their industry’s driven. So it’s new, it’s exciting, it’s clean, and it’s really hard problems that are, again, I’ll just keep saying it: exciting.

Jim Anderton: 
There’s just so much to talk about, we could do this for hours. I hope we get a chance to do more of this, but just to wrap this up or give a cap on this whole initial shallow dive that we’ve made in this topic down here, we’re looking at a world now where the demographic challenges are real. This isn’t a short-term blip where we just have to wait five years, we’ll have another generation of skilled operators that will pop up out the woodwork. At the same time, the demands of the civil engineering, Sara, as you’re noting, are much higher. We got to dig deeper, we got to do it cheaper, faster, new materials, all sorts of new factors at the same time. Look forward please. 10, 20, 30, 40 years from now basically, is this going to be the Jetsons? Are we going to have technology we don’t even realize today? Or will this be something where this is recognizable but much different? Sara, I’ll start with you.

Sara Feuling:
 I think that’s a very interesting question, Jim, because you can look at it a couple of different ways, especially on the construction side. We’re an industry typically very slow to change. We’ve done what we’ve done and we’ve done it well for years, but if you look at where we’ve come in the last 20 years and where we could potentially go, I like to always compare it to music.
Okay, so those of us that were born in the eighties, in my lifetime, from middle school, through high school, I went from a cassette to a CD, to an iPad, to my phone, in a 10 year window. Now extrapolate that and where the industry could be from here, right? We’ve got Tesla talking about being on Mars in 30 years, right? What are we going to be doing here?

So I think absolutely, there is the potential for 10 years from now, these advancements. And as that’s proven, I think that’s another thing that’s going to – I think Ben mentioned it earlier, it needs to work and it needs to be a proven solution and a proven technology. And once the industry starts seeing that these things do work and they do the job well, I think at that point we’ll absolutely see, 10, 20 years from now, these things will extrapolate. Tie that into these automated features that we’ve got, right? Everything we’ve talked about is automated, we’re not quite too autonomy with any of these things, but this is step number one to get us to that potentially autonomous future. Pulling out some of those operators, pulling out some of the man hours on site, and being able to do this with the technology we have available.

So I think absolutely, it’s very exciting to see where this could go and it could look very similar, but it also could look completely different. And that’s for the industry to really help us drive towards that and realize what that shared future could be.

Jim Anderton:
 Ben, you’ll be engineering that future. What do you think it’ll look like?

Ben Holter: 
Yeah, putting machines and digging – putting them on Mars will be interesting – but we’ll figure out a solution to do it. So that I think is what is cool about this industry, is that we need to be there to make sure that we’re building houses, building roads, building infrastructure here, wherever it might be, speaking 40 years out. And we’re going to continue to be more productive with it. And more safe with it. All the things we’re doing are making people more safe, machines more safe, more productive, more efficient. And so the opportunities of where we can go in even 10 years are crazy to think about because there is just so much opportunity and with the convergence of all of the sensors and computing power and algorithms, really the opportunity is endless of what can our end users imagine as possible, and then we’ll figure out a way to solve it. And that’s what’s exciting.

Jim Anderton: 
Sara Feuling, Association of Equipment Manufacturers; Ben Holter, Husco, thanks for joining me on the show. 

Join us March 14-18 in Las Vegas at IFPE 2023. Use promo code DIG20 to save 20% off registration!

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Metal 3D Printing Success Starts Here Fri, 03 Jun 2022 15:15:00 +0000 Two experts from EOS on the key steps to begin metal additive manufacturing.

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This episode of Manufacturing the Future is brought to you by EOS.

Metal additive manufacturing is perhaps the ultimate expression of 3D printing. The ability to add incredible complexity at low cost and make cost-effective parts in lot sizes as low as one, make it both ideal and frequently, the only solution for high-performance applications. To get up to speed on metal 3D however requires preparation and knowledge, like any new manufacturing process. That knowledge base is accessible to all manufacturing professionals, but a sensible, stepwise approach to the problem yields maximum results in the shortest possible time. 

Two experts from EOS, Dr. Ankit Saharan, Senior Manager for Metals Technology and Vincenzo Abbatiello, design and simulation application engineer, summarize the 10 key steps that engineering professionals should follow for a successful, trouble-free introduction to metal additive manufacturing. 

For more information on an additive manufacturing starter kit, visit EOS.

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The Challenge of an Electrical Grid for the 21st Century Tue, 26 Apr 2022 12:45:00 +0000 Black and Veatch incoming Chairman & CEO Mario Azar on the serious engineering needed to build robust 21st-century electrical power systems.

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Episode Summary:

Electrical power generation and distribution is changing in America, and around the world. With the movement to carbon free electricity generation, primarily by solar and wind systems supplemented by new nuclear, the way electricity is made is changing rapidly. Just as important however, is the need to revamp the way electricity is distributed, especially as electric vehicles dominate the transportation sector in the next 20 years. 

While generation gets most of the media attention, the need for robust and reliable distribution infrastructure was made apparent by last year’s Texas blackout. What will it take to engineer reliable, cost-effective energy systems for the 2020s and beyond? Black and Veatch incoming CEO Mario Azar outlines solutions in conversation with’s Jim Anderton. 

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Grid Infrastructure: The Key to Widespread EV Adoption Wed, 20 Apr 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Electric vehicles are selling strongly, worldwide. Can electric utilities generate and distribute enough power to charge all those batteries?

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Battery-powered cars and trucks were once the stuff of science fiction. Today however, the electrification of transportation has moved past theory and into production hardware, with every major auto manufacturer actively building production facilities to fill rising demand. And in lockstep, charging infrastructure, both private and public, is under construction worldwide.  

But what about the actual fuel? Will there be enough electricity to power this wholesale shift away from fossil fuels, and will the infrastructure be adequate for disturbing that power to end-users? Nisar Ahamad, Americas Sustainability Lead for Energy, Utilities, and Chemicals (EUC) at Capgemini Engineering, discusses the issue with’s Jim Anderton. 

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Industrial 3D Printing: 10 Basics in 20 Minutes Mon, 14 Mar 2022 09:30:00 +0000 What you need to know to get started in 3D printing for your production process.

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This video was sponsored by EOS.

3D printing. Additive manufacturing. Few new process technologies have been studied, talked about and debated as much as this new way of making polymer and metal parts. Everyone from schoolchildren in classrooms to global manufacturers are using additive technology. Industry is using it for prototyping and product development, but it is increasingly applied to production part making. Many manufacturers, however, do not have the resources of a multinational corporation and many are aware of the potential of additive, but are reluctant to take the plunge. The rewards are considerable, and the barriers to entry are lower than many manufacturers think. 

A first step in lowering those barriers is a good understanding of the fundamentals of industrial 3D printing. Patrick Schrade, head of Application Engineering and the Additive Minds Academy at EOS, and Fabien Alefeld, senior Manager for the Additive Minds consulting and academy services at EOS, describe the basics of industrial 3D printing to’s Jim Anderton. 

The transcript below has been edited for clarity.


Hello everyone. Welcome to Manufacturing the Future. 3D printing. Additive manufacturing. Few new process technologies have been studied, talked about and debated as much as this new way of making polymer and metal parts. Now, everyone from school children in classrooms to global manufacturers are using additive technology, with industry using it mainly for prototyping and product development, but also increasingly for production part making. The majority of manufacturers, however, don’t have the resources of a multinational corporation. Many are aware of the potential of additive, but are reluctant to take the plunge. The rewards are considerable, and the barriers to entry are lower than most manufacturers think. Now, the first step in lowering those barriers is a good understanding of the fundamentals of industrial 3D printing. Joining me to talk about this is Patrick Schrade, head of application engineering at the Additive Minds Academy at EOS, and Fabian Alefeld, the Senior Manager for the Additive Minds Consulting and Academy Services at EOS North America. Patrick and Fabian, welcome to the show.


Hey Jim, thanks for having us.


This technology, it’s become so popular. It’s so much in mass culture now. We see everyone, even children in schools, making interesting things. We know engineers have been prototyping with this technology for many, many years. But we’re just starting to see some real production applications emerge from this. So I’m really excited that we can sort of establish a baseline knowledge base for professionals to really get a grip on this tech. Can we start from the beginning? And let me start, perhaps with you, Patrick. What is 3D printing or additive manufacturing? Do those terms mean the same thing?


Actually they are the same, but they are also not the same. So, 3D printing is a borrowed term that also includes additive manufacturing. Typically additive manufacturing refers to more robust and final part production, whereas 3D printing often refers to more desktop type systems and prototyping. I would say that’s the common sense.


That’s an interesting way to think of it, because the terms are used interchangeably. And I even find myself occasionally using those terms interchangeably because in popular media, of course, they talk more about 3D printing and less about additive. So, we should think about 3D printing as more of the prototyping, one-off desktop machine and additive as the production process?


This is how I would see it, correct. You named it.


Yeah. Fabian, what different types of machines are there out there? I know there are several.


Yeah, Jim, there are many different types of additive manufacturing technologies, and we could spend this whole 30 minutes talking about them, but ultimately we distinguish between metal technologies and we distinguish between polymer technologies. If we look at polymer technologies, there are different baselines around additive manufacturing or 3D printing. A very well-known technology is photo polymerization, which is also known as SLA, stereolithography.

That’s something that you definitely see in a lot of desktop technologies. You also have a very common desktop technology called FPM, fused position modeling. That is in the end, what you see with a nozzle and a fine filament where layer by layer you then create new objects. You have material jetting, which jets the material directly similar to a printer, but there is also a printer technology called binder jetting that is getting more and more popular for some prototyping technologies. On the metal side, the most popular and common technologies for production applications are powder bed fusion. Powder bed fusion means that your base material is a powder and you have different energy sources that melt the material in order to allow you to build up a part layer by layer.

We as EOS work with the DMLS process, so direct metal laser solidification, but also very similar processes, such as selective phase centering on the polymer side are definitely available. When it comes to materials, a similar topic, we can talk for hours; but we’ll sum it up in a minute. As I mentioned earlier, with polymer materials there are some very common materials such as nylon 11, nylon 12, or polyamide 11 and 12. There are also some more elastomeric materials such as TPE and TPU that are getting quite common, if you look at shoes and the more consumer-based industry. But there is also a very, very commonly known material, such as polypropylene. On the metal side, think of any material in theory that is weldable from aluminum to titanium to gold, but all the way also into coppers that are definitely printable and are increasing in volume quite significantly.


Fabian, I want to loop back and talk about the materials, because of course that’s essential to this technology. In terms of the machines themselves, it sounds like there are sort of generic differences in the approaches to part making in this case. In some cases, you have a bed of powder and then you add energy to it to melt it, and then allow it to re-solidify in a pattern that produces your part. And it sounds like in other ways, we actually take the raw material and we add it externally to the bed and build it that way. But you also described another type where we actually change the state of the product; instead of just melting it, we actually polymerize it. We start from a liquid monomer and then make a solid. These are radically different ways of making parts. Is there a specific advantage to one technique over the other that we can say, universally, this is the best way?


That’s a really good question. And ultimately, no, you really have to look at your own application. You really have to look at your requirements and then have these requirements drive your decision towards an additive manufacturing system. If you look at the whole market, we can say that DMLS or powder bed fusion technologies are most used for industrial applications. Here we’re talking about restrictive industries, but also more consumer-based industries, and that accounts for metal and for polymer applications. We definitely see powder based technologies winning the race when it comes to industrial adoption of the technology.


If you look into these seven different technologies, the main difference between these technologies is on one hand, the source material, as you mentioned it. And on the other hand, it is the fusing energy source that is the main difference. If you ask me, can you really pick out one for a specific use case as Fabian mentioned? Not really. I always say to my engineers, start with the problem you want to solve, find the right solution and work backwards to the technology. If you start with the technology and work backwards to the solution, you most often fail. Technology is just a vehicle, and you should really put most of your effort into the right solution for a problem. In general, additive manufacturing is not a new technology, so I also looked into the history. This technology has been around for almost 30 years. All these technologies popped up in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. What has changed today is the achievable quality and quantity. We have reached industrial grade, and technology has become mature and suitable for mass production. That’s the main change.


Patrick, I’m glad you brought up that notion of start with the problem and then develop the solution. So many hundreds of thousands of manufacturers in America alone use CNC machining as a primary production technology because it is well understood. The history of that technology was very similar. In many cases, firms bought the technology because it was exciting and new, and then went looking for something to do with it, rather than the correct method as you described there. But can you tell me what are the benefits of using additive technologies, 3D technologies, compared to the subtractive technologies that so many manufacturers are used to, like machining?


Actually, there are plenty of them. There are many benefits that you read and hear about. Categorizing them can make it a bit easier to identify how AM can benefit your organization. Just to name a few, first I would say responsible and high performance design. With additive manufacturing, you can really go for performance-driven designs rather than technology-driven designs. Sometimes you limit yourself by the technology given. Additive manufacturing just changed the game; you can focus on performance and that drives your design. What I mean with performance-driven design is that it’s lightweight, functional, has part integration, complex structures and, of course, significantly faster R&D lead times. That’s also big advantage. The second point to mention is responsible and high performance value and supply chain. A very valuable and broad use case is the supply chain for spare parts on demand. If you go for additive, you can get rid of storage, you can get rid of shipping tasks, you can get rid of packaging tasks. You can really produce your components in the moment of need and not in store.


That’s an interesting approach. I’m thinking of perhaps spares for industrial equipment, for example. It’s an interesting concept, that you could perhaps be a machinery manufacturer and rather than ship a replacement part across the nation, you would have it made locally and eliminate that air freight component?


Absolutely. This is what we call distributed manufacturing. Produce decentralized. Just take Aero as an example. Aero spends millions of dollars in storage. So here, additive manufacturing really is disrupting this spare part industry.


And Jim, look at the implications for today’s world. We now all know we live in a world where we have significant supply chain disruptions and challenges. We live in a world where climate change is really driving companies to be forced into innovating faster and faster and faster. That’s where additive manufacturing really comes into the game, enabling organizations to think differently about part design. As Patrick said, think about complex geometries like this one. They could never be built in any other technology before, and it now enables completely new solutions. And yeah, ultimately it will allow us as a human race to respond quicker to events that were unforeseen and will therefore hopefully allow us to also build a more resilient manufacturing and supply chain that is backed by a digital value chain on the backend. One that is also enabled by 5G, by Internet of Things technologies. So it’s not only AM, but AM is a quite significant part of these new advances.


Fabian, you’ve briefly showed us a very exotic-looking part. And of course, the hallmark of AM is the ability to make parts which cannot be made with any other technology. I come from the automotive industry, and heat exchangers are a fundamental part of that industry. They are in aerospace the same way, of course, and that’s a big one. In conventional manufacturing technologies, we’re really limited to conventional geometric shapes, tubes and fins, tube and shell heat exchangers. But you can do some very interesting things if you have unlimited ability to change the shapes, can you not?


Yes, of course, and as Patrick mentioned, the only restriction we have in that case is the human mind. We need to break out of our conventional way of thinking, out of our conventional restrictive thinking about what the technology allows us to do, and really challenge the things that we’ve done for the past 10,000 years, right? Casting has been around for 10,000 years and the process hasn’t really changed that much. So yeah, heat exchangers can impact the automotive and the aerospace industry, but look at server farms, right? They typically cooled through air cooling. Now we can implement liquid cooling that really touches on the hotspots of the CPU and therefore increases the performance, but also the sustainability of these data centers. So really yes, challenging the status quo and utilizing the benefits of additive manufacturing towards the fullest extent. That’s when we really see the impact.


After that, I can see you’re ready to jump in.


Yeah, I’m ready to jump in. You’ve seen it, right. I always brand my employers, saying, “Hey guys, if you can sync it up, you can print it.” That’s the mindset I want to see in my team. I also created some major learning, because in the past years I’ve seen thousands of applications and one of my major learnings was that the best AM use cases were usually invented from scratch. And that brings me to my second major learning, that redesigning a conventionally manufactured part into an additive part is the second-best option. Start from scratch. And finally, typical 3D printing applications that you mentioned cannot be produced in a conventional way. So this is how I set up my teams to really be disruptive and innovative.


Now, for those of us that come from manufacturing, one problem was always what we call the gray area, and the gray area meant the customer that wants 200 parts. Not two parts, not 20,000 parts, but perhaps 200 or 20. A number which is too many to build individually by hand, but they’re too few to justify making injection molds or production levels of tooling. The result was often that we would tell the customer, “We’ll give you a price for 200, but why not buy 2,000 because the price is roughly the same, because most of the cost is in tooling to make those 20s. So you may as well purchase a large number, or conversely that it would simply be cost-prohibitive to make them individually one by one.” Is additive a way to sort of bridge that gap between the build parts one at a time versus the high cost of tooling to make them in mass production?


Yeah, for sure. That’s what we call the long-tail and the short-tail production impact of additive manufacturing. As you mentioned earlier, you can use additive manufacturing to ramp up your production, get yourself ready to also understand the consumer demand. If it is there, you can flip the switch to convince the manufacturing, but also then use it for the long tail. Right? Aftermarket parts as you just mentioned, minimum order quantities, a huge restriction challenge to organizations that have to keep parts in stock in the automotive or bus industry for 15 to 30 years. Now, if we look at manufacturing production, on demand for these long-tail parts definitely adds a significant value. Now incorporating that with what Patrick said, keeping additive manufacturing in mind at the early stage of product development, then you get the benefits of the freedom of design and the freedom of supply chain. And that really unlocks some new benefits.


Patrick, we’ve been talking about part making specifically in manufacturing. Of course, we’re seeing a rapid increase in automation. And the one thing that’s not widely understood about robotic automation is that it actually dramatically increases, in most cases, the need for fixturing and tooling. Human beings are very dexterous with their hands at this point. Robotics machines very often need other devices to help them manipulate and handle parts, and fixturing and tooling is a surprisingly high proportion of the cost of manufactured goods. Is that a place where we see additive being useful?


Actually, additive can be useful in any industry. You just named one. To give you a short introduction, let’s take the tooling branch and in a tooling branch, it is all about cycle time and cooling. So that’s the driver, that’s the game-changer in tooling. With additive, you can enable more even cooling, making it possible to shorten cycle times and this then is the business case. So if we talk about tooling, additive manufacturing has a place, has a value for the industry.


If you look at medical, medical is also a very interesting industry for additive because here we have a wide range of sizes of medical devices. Let’s take orthotics, as an example. Usually when you need to have an orthotics and you are at a young age, you grow up and that means the orthotics have to grow with you. And just imagine, too, how you have to do that with tooling. It is almost impossible, though. 3D printing in orthotics and prosthetics or implants has a high value for the medical branch. In consumer products, you see that customization here is the driver for eyewear, for footwear, for whatever wear you can imagine. So that’s the drive for the consumer. I could just continue for automotive and aerospace, but my main message is that any industry can benefit from additive when it starts with the right mindset, finding the right application.


Yes, the ultimate in low-volume high-mix, I suppose, are in the surgically implantable materials sector where in a perfect world, every artificial hip or knee would be custom designed specifically for the one patient instead of the two or three sizes-fits-all that we’ve known historically. But I’m thinking also about aerospace. Aerospace is a place with hot section gas turbine blades, for example. Very, very complex part, very high-value part, perhaps $10,000 for a single part or 20. Often investment cast, post-machined and these days, laser drilled, for example, to get the necessary cooling air for film cooling applications. If an individual were to say, “I want to switch to an additive technology to make that component part,” can they make it with the same design they used for conventional technologies? Or must they go and redesign the part from scratch to make it work with additive? Fabian?


That’s a really good question. And as in additive, it’s often the case that the answer is that it depends. Ultimately yes, you can typically use conventional designs and print these designs. Is it the best solution? Probably not, as Patrick mentioned. But it is possible. It most likely will force you to increase your efforts in the post-processing procedures. You’ll have a lot of support structures in the example that you just mentioned, but you mentioned the aerospace industry, you mentioned aerospace turbine components. We’re not always allowed to talk about these highly confidential projects. What I am able to talk about, though, is one organization’s project in a similar space. And that is the Siemens energy team. They have made some really strong advancements in their sector, and one thing that they have done is that they printed a majority of gas turbine components.


This gas turbine has recently fulfilled more than 1,000,000 operating hours within the Siemens team. And that means in the words of Siemens, if you can print a turbine blade, you can pretty much print anything. I think that says a lot. They were able to achieve the same and not even of the same, but a superior performance of their turbine components. For them, they have reached the point of no return, and that means that the parts they’re now designing for these turbines can only be 3D printed. They cannot be manufactured in any other conventional way, and that propels them into the next age, into the new systems for their industry sector.


I would add that if you just copy designs from a conventional manufactured part, you often cannot compete price-wise. Take sheet metal, as an example. If you produce a sheet metal in a conventional way, it is quite cheap today. If you take the same sheet metal printed in additive, you cannot compete cost-wise. So what additive has to do and is able to do, is that it can add value, it can add performance, it can add function. To think in sub-assemblies, it can reduce components because we can integrate functionalities. We can print functional parts. Not only static parts; we can even print movable and functional parts. So adding value, that’s the main purpose of additive.


That’s a good point, Patrick. Just to add one more sentence to that. Because oftentimes other manufacturing is referring to a technology that is typically a high cost technology and that is only feasible for, as you said it Jim, high-mix low-volume.

But we’re definitely seeing these high volume applications coming up more and more. We’re currently working on a project with an automotive customer that goes into the millions of parts annually, and that’s a metal part. We talk about the medical industry where in certain implant sectors, more than 30 to 40% of implants are 3D printed. They’re not customized yet, but the benefit of other manufacturing, as in this hip cup case of an osteoporotic structure, is really the big impact driver. So we’re definitely moving out of the low volume jigs and fixtures, maybe one-off tooling parts and we are moving in, as we said in the beginning, to the high production of additive.


Well, Fabian, I’m glad you brought that up, because the traditional concern amongst manufacturers looking at additive is the process is very slow. It’s very constrained by physics. You have to put energy in, you’ve got to build this part sort of layer by layer at the same time. There are others who say yes, but if the build envelope is large enough, you can simply make the parts using the entire three dimensional sort of volume available and simply make many parts slowly, but cumulatively the time per part is competitive with other processes. How much is speed a factor in deciding whether additive is the right process for your part?


Speed is always a factor, right? Speed is king, and everybody wants to spend less money than they have to. Ultimately, it also really depends on the application and the industry. If you look at the space industry right now, space is exploding, right? We have space companies popping up everywhere. Every space company in North America, but I would even lean out the window and say by now globally, uses additive manufacturing for the most critical parts, whether it’s the combustion chamber or certain injection and injection applications.

That’s really where additive manufacturing can excel right now. Why? Because the restrictions aren’t as limited as they are in the conventional aerospace industry, where I still have to go through quite restrictive procedures to get my parts approved. So the space industry is kind of showing us where the aerospace industry or the aeronautics industry is going to go in the next few years.

That being said, speed is always king of course, but combining speed with smart design can really give you the overall advantage. If you think about this heat exchanger that I showed earlier, if you print this with so-called standard process parameters which defines, as you mentioned, the layer thickness of my powder, it defines how fast the laser runs over my material. If I combine that knowledge with design knowledge, I can speed up processes by up to 70%. But not adjusting or adding more lasers, not by adding a faster recoding system. Just by understanding the interaction between a laser or an energy source, and the material and the design. That’s really where knowledge and experience of engineers comes into the game, that really then has and will make the difference between a positive business case and not a positive business case.


Patrick, I would like to add one perspective in this regard. So speed is a factor. That’s why all companies acting in this additive manufacturing industry try to speed up. By adding lasers by creating and developing smarter materials and smarter processes. But I usually say, if you just look for cost per part, just for the additive part of the process, this is just a part of the truth.

I try to treat my customers and my employees to think in the end-to-end life cycle of a product. You may be more expensive in just producing the part, but just imagine, you can get rid of packaging transport, you can make assembly easier, you can increase the lifetime. So the total cost of ownership can be 10 times cheaper than conventionally, but just the production of the additive part can be two times more expensive. But in total it’s 10 times more cheap. So really, think about the entire process.


Patrick, you mentioned the engineering aspect and we’ve talked about part design, designing parts that optimize the benefits of additive. But when you’re building with additive, of course, how you build the part matters. The orientation of the part in the build. Support structures that may be necessary if you’re building large numbers of parts, and perhaps the processes you use after the build to remove the parts from the support structures. How different is the design engineering process to build for additive compared to making the part for other technologies? Do you have to retrain your engineers to a great extent?


Entirely. It’s here in the same case. You better start from scratch when you want to become a designer. It really takes decades to change the mind, so if you are treated and trained by conventional manufacturing and you switch to additive, it really takes years to lift the entire potential of additive. So, usually it is better to start from scratch. The conversion of conventional to additive takes time. It really takes time.


Fabian, you are the youngest man in the group of the three of us having this conversation here. What I see very frequently, especially small and medium size manufacturing enterprises, is that when a new technology is introduced to the works, often a young engineer is tasked to be sort of the front-person to be the advocate for that technology and is tasked with learning it extensively, and becomes the champion for that technology. Is that the way forward for introducing additive to a manufacturing firm, do you think? Is it to find a champion and then make them sort of the leader of that group?


It’s definitely not the wrong approach. Sometimes I think we don’t do engineers enough justice as the additive manufacturing industry. Sometimes there are things that are said, like that engineers just don’t get it. They just don’t understand it. They don’t want to change.  They don’t want to learn a new technology. I think that’s actually completely wrong. Engineers, from their intrinsic motivation, want to challenge the existing, they want to try out new things. They want to create new unknowns that they were never able to do before.


So yes, it can be a young engineer. It can be a very experienced engineer. I think what’s important, and even more important than identifying one person, is identifying a cross-functional team across your organization that really is able to assess work and additive manufacturing, to have the biggest impact across our value chain.

And if we look at the most successful organizations out there, they really have implemented additive manufacturing successfully in production. They start out with a small nucleus and we call that the transformation team. That includes R&D. It includes manufacturing. It includes procurement, to have all these functions in one room to make the decision. Which parts make sense? Where do we have a positive business case? And most importantly, how can we use this technology to propel ourselves forward into more innovative applications, but also distinguish ourselves from our competition?

That’s really when you then see, after the first project, a self-momentum starting out where you create a pull within the organization. All of a sudden you’ve created this curiosity with another engineering team, and everybody wants to jump on the train. And that is, to me, the most important step is to create this awareness and this pull effect.


Patrick, for engineering professionals of our generation, it’s very frequent that the engineering manager or the owner of the works is not directly involved in drafting or design at the street level or at the works level. How much do they need to know about additive to make a sensible decision about purchasing a technology? Is that something which has to be outsourced or do I need to hire a consultant, for example, to come in and tell me how I can move forward with additive?


Actually, that’s a good approach. So for example, within my company, we have a team of almost 50 consultants acting worldwide to really create awareness, also to the management level, because often the management level can be a show-stopper. So mindset change starts in the C-level, I would even say. Mindset change starts in C-level and then goes down to the working level.

That’s why consultancy really is a valuable and highly beneficial role in that industry. But I would like to come back to Fabian’s arguments. He said, I think we have to be even earlier into the education circle, in universities. We really have to look into universities, because I’ve just read a recent Deloitte study, and that Deloitte study showed very clearly that we are today almost lacking 500,000 jobs in manufacturing because we don’t have the experts. How can we overcome that?

And one answer is that universities have to incorporate AM into engineering material science and digital production classes. We really have to start earlier. That’s why we and the academy put in lots of effort, and have the strategic goal to look into global universities to start educating the youngsters, the next professionals. We have to start earlier. That’s my message.


Gentlemen, there’s so much to talk about in this technology. We could talk about this for hours and I hope we’ll have a chance to talk about it more in the future. But to conclude, let me ask a fundamental question. How can a manufacturer who is not using additive, potentially a small or medium-sized manufacturer, but knows that they should investigate it? What is the first thing? Is there one piece of advice that you could give them so that they can begin this process, this journey? Patrick, I’ll start with you.


I have advice: Start with an achievable project. Even before that, screen your portfolio. Make a portfolio screening, identifying based on economic and technical fit. Find the pearls. Find the diamonds. Find the nuggets. And then start small, start with an achievable project, create success, and then build on that. In the best case, be guided and supported by consultants.




Yeah. I first of all second what Patrick said. It’s super important to start with an achievable project. Reaching for the stars is good, but make sure you stop by at the moon on your way to the stars.

The second next thing to do is really education, right? Educate yourself as a leader. Really understand, as we discussed in the beginning, what are the technologies out there. What are the benefits of additive manufacturing? What are the limitations and what is achievable? Right?

If we start with an operational excellence project to lower cost, maybe additive manufacturing is not the right technology. If we’re trying to push into a new, innovative technology by utilizing additive manufacturing, that could be a good first step.

Educate yourself really well around the capabilities of the technology. You can do that through various resources online. As we said, we have the Additive Minds Academy that offers super comprehensive e-learning. There are some other players out there, that are also from universities, offering some really good content. You can tune into the Additive Snack Podcast, where we interview the industry leaders that really give some good tips and tricks on how to start out with additive manufacturing, where they have seen success within their own organization. So education, achievable project and then the rest really is going to fall into place.


Patrick Schrade, Fabian Alefeld, EOS. Thanks for joining me on the program.


Thank you.


And thank you for joining us on this episode of Manufacturing the Future. See you next time.

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The Connected Future of Advanced Machining Mon, 01 Nov 2021 16:30:00 +0000 EMAG’s Peter Strohm on the next ten years of innovation in production machining. It’s going to be interesting.

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This video was sponsored by EMAG.

If there is one word that defines technology in the first two decades of the 21st century, it’s connectivity. The World Wide Web, handheld devices and wireless networks have connected people in ways never imagined a generation ago. That’s also true of machines, and in fact, manufacturing equipment was networked long before the invention of the smart phone. That connectivity, however was largely based on machine monitoring and centralized production control.

Today, the same technology that enables smart devices, allow smart factories, with production machinery now able to generate, aggregate and distribute incredible amounts of data that give production plants large and small real insight into part making on a second- by-second basis. How is this Industrial Internet of Things going to impact manufacturing going forward?

According to Peter Strohm, Business Development Manager, IoT at EMAG, the future will not only be connected, but much more efficient, driven by the need for lighter weight, higher strength parts and assemblies, especially in the aerospace and automotive industries. More will be done in a single machine set up, and many of the external functions such as metrology and surface finishing will be performed in a single cell.

Connecting those cells virtual manufacturing networks that may span continents will be a key attribute of global supply chains in the post Covid world. Strohm explains in conversation with’s Jim Anderton.

Learn more about how IoT will affect the future of manufacturing.

The transcript below has been edited for clarity.

Jim Anderton: If there’s one word that defines technology in the first two decades of the 21st century it’s connectivity. Now, the worldwide web, hand held devices and wireless networks, well, they’ve connected people in ways never imagined a generation ago.

Now, that’s also true of machines, and in fact, manufacturing equipment was networked long before the invention of the smartphone. That connectivity however, was largely based on machine monitoring and centralized production control. Today the same technology that enables smart devices allows smart factories with production machinery now able to generate, aggregate and distribute incredible amounts of data that give production plants, large and small, real insight to part making on a second by second basis.

How is this industrial internet of things going to impact manufacturing going forward? Well, to help me answer that question I’m joined by Peter Strohm, Business Development Manager IoT at EMAG. Peter holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Material Science and Materials Technology from the University of Saarland.

Peter, welcome to the program.

Peter Strohm: Thanks for having me.

Jim Anderton: Peter, let’s dive right into it. This is a fascinating subject. Everyone is talking about the industrial internet of things today, and machine tools were actually there years ago with networked PLCs and factory wide ethernet connectivity. But how are production machine tools changing with these new forms of connectivity? We used to think of connected machine tools as just process monitoring, flagging stoppages because of tool wear or breakage.

Peter Strohm: Yes, actually, this is very correct. So we did this a long time ago, like collecting the PLCs, and we were taking a look at the results maybe at the end of a shift, at the end of a day, or at the end of a week. But this was really on the very high surface level looking into the data. And these days we have more possibilities using, for example, algorithms with machine learning and artificial intelligence. And our focus today is really on networking the assets, everything around it, and find out how to really increase the productivity of these machines with taking everything we can into consideration.

That means, for example, looking at some values of the machine, detecting anomalies during the process, finding quality problems in real time, predicting possible down times of the machine coming along in order to prevent the machine from stopping by having the service guys in early and maybe able to distribute the spare parts in time. And I think what changed are really the possibilities you can do also with calculating power directly on the machine giving you new opportunities. But in fact, the tools were all there all the time, but we can now use it in a completely new way, I would like to say.

Jim Anderton: Peter, that’s an interesting point. Even back to, well, to the primitive days of PLCs. When I was in manufacturing in automotive tier one space there was always a sense that there’s more information locked in the machine that we can’t access, or even if we could access it we don’t really know what to do with it. So there was a gap between what the machine could deliver and what we could understand about what the machine was doing. Is that still there, that knowledge gap?

Peter Strohm: I don’t think so. Today, I would say, for EMAG we can take everything out of the machine which the control knows. I mean, we know all the variables, we know how to access the drive data, maybe currents, power and so on. And we really like to say that we are more use case driven, so that means we do not want to take everything out of the machine, but we like to get in touch with our customer and find out what his actual application is. And if we understood what he’s about to do we can find the right data we need in order to deliver the use case he needs, in order to improve whatever he wants.

Jim Anderton: You mentioned power, and I know that in some cases power can be a proxy for other things, tool wear or other process variables at this point. But historically, I think power was not really looked at as a parameter worth monitoring down there. How does that happen? What can power tell us?

Peter Strohm: It’s different. You mentioned tool wear, so if you imagine a motor which is operating the machine, obviously if something is wrong with the axes it will get harder for the motor to, for example, move these axes. And this is something you can see in the power consumption of the motor, for example, and this is directly referred to wear and tear.

But what is also interesting these days is to monitor the power as a whole, because sustainability gets more and more important these days. You want to know, or you want to have a machine which is really energy efficient, and this is also getting important for the suppliers, the tier ones, the OEMs, because they need to know what the actual carbon footprint of whatever they produce is. And this will also include the machines very soon. And therefore it’s not only important to have these values in order to detect something like wear and tear, but also to know what is the energy consumption right now. And maybe how to control it in a way that you can lower energy consumption of the machine by turning off motors you don’t need at the certain point of time, for example.

Jim Anderton: That’s an interesting point of view. I’ve seen many transfer lines where machines idle, but they spin and they stay spinning for a long time when they’re not actually touching the part.

There’s another aspect to power. You brought up sustainability, but historically in the machine tool world, I’m thinking 20, 25 years ago when I was very active in manufacturing. Power consumption was something which European manufacturers were very concerned about then. In North America, not so much. Very rarely would an individual actually even ask about the power consumption of a machine tool. Today, it’s a different world. We’re in a world now where in the American state of Texas, for example, there was a recent supply shortage and a dramatic spike in spot prices for electricity. So even the certainty of the price is perhaps not there anymore.

Do you think that in America, we’re going to see an increased emphasis on things like efficiency, or these power issues you’re talking about?

Peter Strohm: Most certainly. I think this is something slowly coming all over the world. I mean, we even see approaches like this in China these days, who did not seem to be so much concerned about power consumption in the early days like, I think U.S. was as well. So, I think on the one hand it is price driven definitely. And in Europe we are also seeing highly increasing prices for power, but it’s also the thought of sustainability. And it’s also, I think, driven by politics because you are having these guidelines that you cannot exceed a certain value of power consumption. You have to buy certificates for CO2 and so on, so I think these are all elements which influence this topic very much.

Jim Anderton: Peter, historically even relatively simple part making, a shaft, perhaps a simple gear, this would be a step that might involve roughing, finish machining, grinding, or lapping. There might be induction hardening in that stepwise process, all of which involved transfer from machine to machine. And of course the costs and variability that comes when you are setting up a part up again and again, and again. More and more we’re seeing these functions incorporated inside a single machine, even metrology. We’re seeing a situation now where we’re measuring parts while they’re still fixed inside the machine.

Is this a trend that’s going to continue? Do you think that we’re ever going to reach a point where we simply clamp a block of hard steel to a machine, close the door and come back, and there’s a complex gear there?

Peter Strohm: That’s a very interesting question. In the future, maybe yes. I think this is still quite a way to go. What we are doing at Emag is we are, for example, delivering complete production lines consisting of different technologies, like you mentioned previously. Also, including induction hardening. We also acquired recently a company who’s actually doing metal welding in order to have a possibility to produce something which is pretty close to the final shape of the part we want to produce. So, I think there is definitely a trend going towards machinery which is more flexible.

I don’t know if we will reach a point soon where we can just put a block of metal somewhere and we will get our final machine part there, but we certainly see approaches where production lines need to be more flexible. Maybe using robots which are able to not only put part to one machine, but to several different machines and you can attach them in different ways. And I think this fits with the way the world is developing right now, because we do not see so many projects any more where we have to produce 5,000 parts a day, which are exactly the same. Customers demand smaller machines which are more flexible. They want to change the amount of produced parts and the type of parts recently. So, I think there’s definitely a trend there, but I think we are not quite there, what you mentioned before.

Jim Anderton: Peter, you brought up a very interesting point, which is more variability and smaller lot sizes in general. Historically, this has been the opportunity for small and medium sized shops that were not, of course, not configured to make a hundred thousand of a specific part, but were very happy to make 1,200 or perhaps 2,000. But at the same time, the smaller and medium size shops have historically lagged in technology because they didn’t have the money that the large corporations did to buy the absolute latest. Is some of this new technology, is the cost now becoming approachable for those smaller and medium size shops? Can they play with this highly connected modern equipment?

Peter Strohm: I think when you’re looking at connecting machines, this is something which would cost you today around €10,000 to €15,000 per machine for an EMAG. And we are not actually known for cheap prices so I think this is pretty affordable compared to our machine prices in general. And I think the important thing is not the cost of the solution, but what you get back out of it. And our customers are pretty much driven by when do I get a return on invest? And by increasing efficiency of the machine or decreasing down times you will get a return on invest on that very soon.

And we are not only playing in the field of visualizing things and supporting the machine operators in this daily business, but we are also focusing on new concepts how to control the machine. And this is actually something which helps pretty much to have machine operators who are maybe used to using an iPad, but not so much to tool machine, which are usually pretty complicated with their control interfaces. And this really aims to small and medium sized companies who are requiring more flexibility. And I think they will get a pretty fast pay off of these solutions because they will save up time and money for training, and they will have a flexibility they did not have before.

So I think, yes, it gets more and more affordable, and it will also reach more and more standard. And I think the more connected solutions reach the standard, the lower the prices will get and the more affordable, even more affordable, they will also get for the small and medium size companies.

Jim Anderton: Peter, one of the challenges those small and medium sized companies have with a high mix product where they’re perhaps making only a couple of hundred of one part, or maybe even a few dozen of another one, is cycle time can be quick, but overall changeover can take time. So are those small and medium size shops, are they looking at the work holding problem? Are they thinking about overall cycle time in a holistic way? Because sometimes you can spend a lot of money and buy a machine that is lightning fast, but then give up that productivity advantage in how you handle the parts.

Peter Strohm: Also good question. I think we can help a little bit with software. We are thinking about how to support the operators in an optimal way. If they want to set up a new work piece, this can be something like you choose the new work piece you want to produce, and for example, your revolver is going in the right position to change certain tools. So this will be guided process through setting up a new work piece, which makes it more foolproof, which makes it easier to do, and which helps you on the time side.

But we also see it on a little bigger scale. So another product we offer is something which helps you to decrease set up times in general, by combining your tools, your parts, in an optimal way. That means, for example, if you know during the day you want to produce 12 different parts in different amounts and sizes, we can provide an algorithm who is checking what do we want to produce and which tools are needed for it. And then it will give you a proposal what is the optimum way to combine it, and that will bring down setup times dramatically because you have the minimum required amount of tool changes there. And this is also something one could look at, but it always depends on if this machine is really fully used during the whole day, or if they have time for the setup process. So, it’s also a bit individual and different from company to company.

Jim Anderton: Now, the automotive industry is very important of course, globally for multiple reasons, and it’s of course, especially in machining, machine tool world. And we are seeing that dramatic once in a generation shift, more than once in a generation, perhaps a century, to electric vehicles. In Germany, of course, leading the way, Volkswagen, major change. Tesla building a new plant in Brandenburg. Everyone is talking about electric. And there was a prediction that electrification would generate a much reduced demand for machine components.

Other experts say quite the opposite, that in fact, it’s the need for efficiency, because of course, battery life issues mean that things like bearings, gears, rotating elements need to operate with less friction and with less wasted energy now than ever before. And that will create a new revolution in precision machining, precision gear, finishing. Others say that electric cars are quieter, which means things like noise in a gear set now are much more important to consider at the same time. Are electric vehicles… Is this an opportunity for this industry, do you think?

Peter Strohm: It is an opportunity definitely, but it’s a challenge at the same time, I think. So when you look at electric cars, for example, at the motor there’s almost no machine parts in the way we knew it before, so that’s a dramatic decrease. When you, for example, think about turbo charges and so on you just don’t have these parts anymore. When you take a look at the gears, for example, in the gear box, you see for fully electric vehicles, you see less gears than before, but for hybrid electric vehicles, for example, you have even more. We have 10 year automatic transmissions now, including electric motors and so on. So I think there are new parts. You also have rotors, rotor shafts, for example, that need to be machined for electric motors.

So there are the parts. I think the industry has to change. You need to change the portfolio. And from a point of view of EMAG, we are in the lucky situation that we are combining very many technologies so when it comes to you have to extra harden the parts you need to use more fancy high alloy materials, for example. We have the electrochemical machining which allows us to machine very hard steels and even other parts, like Inconel, known from aerospace. I think we have the technology, but I still think at the same time that the parts in general will decrease so we have to look for other opportunities. We have to look for also other customers where we can sell machine parts to.

And I really agree that this is a new challenge to precision, which is also good for EMAG because we are known for that. But I see also another trend, not only going from combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles, but I think vehicles in general will be lowered in numbers. When you think, for example, major companies like Daimler, they are slowly going away from selling cars and moving towards mobility. So if you think about a future where people are more sharing cars. I’m a little old fashioned. I really like possess my own car because it’s also a hobby for me. But if you think at the new generation who are not so interested anymore in cars, and they say okay, if I need one, I’m going to share it with someone else. I think cars will also decrease in numbers in the future.

And when you look at China, there is the next challenge ahead, because I think they are trying to really get into the market in an aggressive way, like they never did before. They know they cannot cope with combustion engine vehicles with Europe and the U.S. but they really are far ahead when it comes to electric vehicles, and also holistic mobility concepts. And I think we will see a lot more of Asian brand cars in the future in Europe and also in the U.S. And this will be the next challenge for manufacturers known to us so far, because we don’t even know maybe our customers from tomorrow because they are only starting to evolve. So, definitely a lot of challenges ahead.

Jim Anderton: Peter, you touched on materials, and you are a steel expert. Steel is a wonderful material. It’s cheap. Put enough carbon in it and you can have a soft ductile core. You can case harden the outside and get a good wear surface. I mean, it’s all these wonderful qualities. But we keep hearing about the need to reduce weight, increase durability, wear resistance, will steel or alloy steel still be the primary material for these mass production parts we’re talking about, shafts, bearings, gears, or are we going to see a move to exotic materials in this area, do you think?

Peter Strohm: That’s really an interesting question. I think it depends a little bit on the application. For example, if you take magnesium alloys, for example. They are pretty light, but also pretty expensive to produce. When you take a look at aluminum alloys, they look pretty nice, but usually they are heavier than steel alloys if they are not forged, but just machined in a conventional way. So, I think it really depends on the application.

When it comes to cars, we will see a lot more carbon fiber, I think. Maybe also, high strength aluminum profiles and stuff like that, but I still think that steel is going to play a major role in the whole topic. But I also think we are going to see a lot of new materials coming up in this field.

Jim Anderton: Peter, here in North America, I understand it’s similar in Europe, there’s a tremendous shortage of skilled people. Labor is a major issue for manufacturers everywhere. And this is surprising because we thought that with automation it would be the opposite effect, we’d have a surplus of skilled people, and we find exactly the opposite. It is very difficult to find a skilled machinist, or a skilled tool maker, or a skilled dye maker anymore. Automation has been hailed as the solution to this problem. Are we looking at a world now where the factory will have very few expert or skilled people in the factory anymore? Will this all be automated? Will robots be the future of this industry, do you think?

Peter Strohm: Actually, I made a podcast over that quite a while ago. I think the jobs will change in the future. I think we will see less machine operators being responsible for more machines, but we will also see new jobs, like data scientists and robotics experts, which does not solve our problem because we need skilled workers of different fields then. But I really think that these operational tasks, or loading, unloading a machine, that this will shift a lot over to robotics and automation also due to the fact that labor is very expensive in the countries we’re talking about. And therefore I really think we are looking at the future with people of different skills there.

Jim Anderton: That’s fantastic. Peter Strohm, Emag. Thanks for speaking with me today.

Peter Strohm: You’re very welcome. Thanks too.

Jim Anderton: And thank you for joining us on Manufacturing the Future. See you next time.

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